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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
There is a great song in this video clip that im trying to locate and Shazam is unable to do so... why?
(btw its an awesome video)
Damn it... i must of been blind! :( Many thanks!
p.s. but i must say that it was strange that Shazam couldn't identify it, isnt it?
I tried now myself to Shazam this song three times. For me, the first time it didn't work at all, and the other two times it guessed the right album, but claims it's a different song on the album. Still pretty good considering huge number of songs available for purchase.

IMG_6339.PNG IMG_6340.PNG IMG_6341.PNG
I see the same song in the last two results though, why do you say it claims its a diff song?
YouTube video description says the song is "Fire In The Belly”, Shazam says it's "Preparing The Way". Both songs are from the same album.
Ohhh i thought you were searching for the song "Preparing the way" in this search. So that song came up when u searched for "Fire In The Belly"?
Well I played the video from your link, and Shazam identified it as "Preparing The Way". YouTube info is probably right, because "Preparing The Way" is too short compared to the video length.
Hi guys... i cant locate the music of this video either, i did try with Shazaam! :confused:
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