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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 17, 2002
Does anyone know of an app for OS X that allows you to create sheet music?

This is something that GB needs, or something Apple should do now with its focus on music.
I'm talking about a consumer application. Preferably free, but I can't imagine paying more than $30 for something like this. Considering how simple the program would be. Just a program that you could arrange notes and then print it out.
I really wouldn't use it that much, maybe a few times a year. Which is why I can't imagine paying very much for it.

Maybe Apple is already working on something simple like this. Maybe that's what iWrite will be.
I think PrintMusic from the folks from FINALE is about $60 or $70. Melody Assistant kinda does it.... has another even simpler version for free. It's called Notepad. However, it's not available in OS X yet- you've got to run it in Classic Mode. (Sound familiar?) Check out the features on the site. You have to make a customer account but it's a simple process.

Good luck.


System Requirements

NotePad & NotePad Plus 2003 for Windows

Windows 98/2000/NT/Me/XP
32MB RAM Minimum
64MB RAM Recommended
20MB hard drive space required

NotePad & NotePad Plus 2003 for Macintosh

OS 8.6 through the latest version of OS 9 (9.2.2)
Works under OS X in classic mode provided that your MIDI and printing hardware (and associated software drivers) are compatible with the OS X classic mode. [more]€
32MB RAM Minimum
64MB RAM Recommended

20MB hard drive space required
Harmony Assistant or Melody Assistant

This is the cat's azz in Sheet Music making software. google for it and its real cheap. demo avail.

-joe (lemme know)
I will add a second vote for finale notepad. Although it does run in classic, it runs very well and it is easy to use. Also if you ever need to upgrade to a paid version of finale like printmusic or something you are already familiar with the interface. It is a very basic app, but the note entry is quick and easy and the pages look fine printed out. Plus it will probably be upgraded to run on OS X soon. I've tried melody assistant and it is just to convoluted to be useful as a simple note entry app. Give finale notepad a try.
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