Update on Green Spots!
Hi all...
Boy don't you just feel cheated with the dual 1.8Ghz G5? I sure do, thanks a lot Apple... What a stab in the back...
I have had my G5 for a month with tons of problems and now? I see my machine is outdated... That sure went fast...
Oh well, I have some new info on the Green dots issue...
New AGP card did not solve the problem:
I spoke to Apple, and we agreed to change the AGP card in hopes of that being the culprit and with a new one the problem would be solved.
Well sad to report, even with a new AGP card the green dots were still present. So that did not work.
And I did a test to see if it was the Superdrive its self, well it wasn't as I tried a firewire DVD player and it had the very same problem.
Here are the things that cannot be responsible for the green dots :
It isn't the : Superdrive (even those with Sony drives report same errors)
It isn't the : The AGP card that is installed (both models)
It isn't the : The DVD player in OS X or OS X in general
It isn't the : The monitors or loose cables
It isn't the : Any Firmware problem
It is how ever bad luck that we got stuck with a sick G5.
Here is what I have done so far, after checking that all the cables are firmly in place :
1st try : Zapping the PRAM.
Effect : (none)
2nd try : Trashing the the pref. files for DVD player.
Effect : (none)
3rd try : Did a hardware reset.
Effect : (none)
4th try : Reinstalled original System as a clean install.
Effect : (none)
5th try : Updated to 10.3 once again.
Effect : (none)
6th try : I repaired the permissions.
Effect : (none)
7th try : I did a hardware test from the DVD disc.
Effect : (no errors)
8th try : I said some insulting things to my G5.
Effect : (none)
9th try : Removing original Apple 512MB RAM & replacing it with new ones I got from Kingston.
Effect : (Bingo!!! Well so far...)
Aha! the 9th try, there was something there!
I bought a set of 256MBs of RAM from Kingston, those I installed into my G5. So I was fortunate to try and replace my RAM blocks with those the G5 came with.
The ones that were installed in my G5 from birth were a set of 256MB Ram blocks from Samsung.
I took those out and replaced them in the same socket as the originals were with my own Kingston memory blocks to see if it made any difference.
To my surprise it did!
This explains a few things...
People say when they restart their machines the green dots disappear. That is correct. I experienced it as well... At first I thought it had to be a heat issue as it got worse the more you used the computer. However, a fast restart simply solved the problem, for a while... Even-though all the components were still hot...
But, if you do a restart, you zap your ram, that in its self make more sense. Empty ram blocks makes it work for a while till it simply clogs up again and the green dots reappear. Well that is the best way I can explain it with out getting too technical...
So, at the moment I am testing the machine, and the green dots have not reappeared on my machine so far.
Another thing is that I have less applications that unexpectedly quit. Before changing my ram, I had apps. that quit all the time... This is another issue one would have with a bad memory block...
So I ask you good people to try, removing the original RAM you got with your G5 and replacing it with new ones to see if that solves your problem.
We might have a cure after all...
Now if only I could fix my poor reception on my AirPort base station that would be smashing...
Good luck people!
PS. please report back with results!