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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 4, 2008
I recently purchased an iMac, and while I initially perceived its screen issues as "tolerable," two days later I was ready to send it in for replacement. I went through the motions, got my RMA and FedEx tag, and dropped it off at a FedEx location on Saturday. The Rep I spoke to on the phone at Apple told me my replacement would be sent out as soon as my return was in transit.

It has been 3 days since it would have been "in Transit," and I have yet to receive a shipping confirmation on the replacement unit (my order status says it should have shipped yesterday). Is this normal? Does Apple need to have the defective unit in their possession before the replacement is sent out? I'm short a computer and wondering how quickly this will be resolved.

If anyone has any insights or experiences with this, I would love to hear about it.
I literally had my replacement iMac on my front door 24 hours after I dropped off the defective one at FedEx/Kinko's. :D
I have had rotten luck with macs, but phenomenal replacement times. In June, I dropped off a defective machine to FedEx one day, and got my new one the next.

Today, I dropped THAT machine off (also defective) at FedEx, and am holding my breath, hoping the next new one shows up as quickly.

(Thinking of dropping my stock in aapl, and buying FDX) :p
yeah.... that's what I was afraid of. I think I'll call them tomorrow, since I droppped it off six days ago now and still no update other than "not yet shipped" on the replacement.

Thanks for the insight!
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