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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I don't plan on getting shot but what are some pre cautions I could take so I can take photos without being scared of my camera getting blown to bits. Cover the body with a shirt or something? Keep UV filter on...

Please give me some ideas.



macrumors regular
Apr 14, 2006
I'm a huge fan of paintball, gave the game up a few years ago though (too expensive). Ironically I just watched a video of a match a few days ago and I caught a glimpse of some photographers that were on the sidelines (but not behind the netting). They had bubble wrap (that packaging material that is fun to pop) wrapped around the lenses. It looked like they had some room to slip their left hand under the wrap in order to operate the lens...I guess that would be sufficient. If you wanted to cover the body as well you could probably use some of the smaller bubble wrap (the "bubbles" on the bubble wrap on the lenses were one of the larger sizes) or just a t-shirt. Hope that helps...Happy shooting.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
I've shot a couple games. Make yourself highly visible. Wear a reflective vest. I had a UV filter to protect against paint splatter.
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