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John Frahm

macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 29, 2022
Portsmouth, Va.
Hello all, hoping I can find an answer; I use a iPhone 12 Pro Max running latest IOS. I want to know if it is possible to run an automation in shortcuts to send a message in Facebook messenger at a specific time. I have tried but will be the first to admit I am not up on automation or shortcuts for that matter, have some in both running that I use, but I would not even consider myself a novice with either. Am willing to use 3rd party if need be and there is one.
Thank you for your time and consideration


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2020
I do not use FB messenger, so I do not know about its Shortcut support. In principle this is what you have to do:

create a new Automation, set the time and choose e.g. the date under Repeat>Monthly.


click Next and at add a Text-entry/variable which holds your message. Then add - if provided - the Send-command from the messenger app. This is how this looks for Apple’s Messages:

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