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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2018
South Africa

I have a shopping list shortcut into AnyList that works on my phone, watch and iPad. But when I try using it on any of my HomePods Siri just keeps on saying “what would you like to add” no matter my response. Eventually I maybe get a response “where would you like to open the app”. This also does pretty much nothing.

any suggestions on how I can fix this?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2018
South Africa
This appears to be a bug in the HomePod software, but there is a workaround described here:

In short, if you add an extra “Ask for Input” action to your shortcut and then pass the result of that into your AnyList action, then it will probably start working on HomePod.

Please email us at if you have any questions.
Worked like a charm!! Thank you so much!
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