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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2006
Hey guys, i recently got a black macbook from the apple store in Delaware (I live in MA, but going to college in DE this fall) when I was there for orientation. Everything was going fine, but now I'm noticing a lot of things going wrong...

-It has some sort of film peeling off of the lower right corner

-The case at the top (near the isight) isn't secure/bulges a bit

-It has "the moo" at 67 degrees C

-and "the whine" coming from the left side, where the power cord goes (it's louder with the cord in, and non-existant when photobooth is running, and kind of faulters when some other programs come on).

-While I'm at it, the down arrow key isn't the best, either

Given this, do you think that they'd just tell me it's "within specs" or normal or whatever or would they exchange my MB for a new one?

Is there anything much worse I should be afraid of if I exchange it? Can it just be repaired or anything? Advice? Comments?

EDIT: I just noticed that the sides are bulging a bit as well... :(
JurgenWigg said:
I assume I'd have to be back at the Delaware store in order to do that
You should be able to service/exchange it at any Apple store. Still have the receipt? Any stores closer then Delaware?
Tell them it's defected. You paid for a machine that will work and work with out buldging and mooing (really is like a cow). They better fix or exchange that.
YES, exchange it. The peeling and bulging is not at all normal. The whining and mooing, unfortunately, are to be expected.
The only thing I'm afraid of would be getting one WORSE than this one is, but then I guess it'd just be a long chain of exchanges, so I guess I'll be heading out to Chestnut Hill.

So I've never done this before - how should I go about doing it?
JurgenWigg said:
-and "the whine" coming from the left side, where the power cord goes (it's louder with the cord in, and non-existant when photobooth is running, and kind of faulters when some other programs come on).

Well Apple will replace your Macbook just because it whines.:eek: They just annouced it. :D
Sorry :(

I forgot you said you have Black Macbook. But look at it this way, if they are fixing MBPs its only a matter of time before they begin to fix the MBs :cool:
The bulges aren't as bad as some pics online, it's more noticible motion when i press on it. Is the rest of it grounds for an exchange, and do i need original packaging?
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