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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006
I don't know what to do. I have found a 23" monitor off ebay for $700 and could get a used G4 dual 1GB for probably around $900. Should I buy this or spend a bit more and get the iMac?

I am looking to edit home videos. Should I go the iMac route and use Final Cut Express?


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
I would strongly recommend that you get one of the new iMacs with an Intel Core Duo processor. As far as speed goes, the iMac will leave any Power Mac G4 in the dust (the iMacs are close in speed to the Power Mac G5s).


macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
You can use two monitors with the new Intel iMacs, so you could put another $300 to the cost of the dual 1GHz G4 and get a much better brand new machine and have a dual monitor setup.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006
Thank you for straighten my @$$ out. I was delusional for a second there.

Do you think the fully loaded iMac is good enough for editing home movies? I know that the Final Cut Pro won't work on the new Intel iMacs, but does anyone know if Final Cut Express HD will?


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
knights said:
Thank you for straighten my @$$ out. I was delusional for a second there.

Do you think the fully loaded iMac is good enough for editing home movies? I know that the Final Cut Pro won't work on the new Intel iMacs, but does anyone know if Final Cut Express HD will?

I would imagine that a fully loaded iMac would run those apps just fine.


macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2004
san diego, ca.
i would go with the power mac g4, here's why:

1)Final cut pro is not native just yet and I wouldn't like the idea of editing under rosetta.

2)You need alot of ram to edit and From what I remember you could put more ram into the powermac.

3)The ability to use two identical screens. two screens are very usefull when editing especially when they are identical(speaking from experience it's annoying when you use two unidentical screan when editing)

4)Expandibility and Upgradability, The g4 processor, ram and hard drives could be upgraded. Powerlogix makes a dual processor upgrade for the g4 if your g4 is a single processor. You can't upgrade much on the imac if anything.

5) You'll get a better machine for editing and "prosumer work" (ie. editing animation, 3D) for your money.

I'm not bashing the intel macs, i would just wait until rev c to get one, or a G5 imac would be better i saw in another post realworld benchmarks indicate only a 15% increase of speed rather than the 2x or 4x they are claiming. i would rather just max out my ram rather than buying a rev a intelimac to get the 15% increase.

honestly! there is just way too much hype about these new machines, people will tell you to buy it because initially they look better, but, my best advice for you is to do your research first and explore your options. find out what you need the computer to do and what are your expectations, i'm sure you could find a older mac to do whatever you need. I have a dual 2.0 g5 and do animation, design and video on it, but, i also did all those things on my single processor quicksilver with the same results( granted slower rendering but not that much slower). Newer and faster isn't always the best option. You'll save alot of money that way.


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
Intel iMac, here is why.

iMac with the dual 2ghz is future proof - the PPC architecture is not.

Its faster, lots. These unfair tests with just 256mb ram for each core show nothing like the true tests. If you listen to the users that have put more ram in these things FLY.

Final cut will be native in just 6-8 weeks, these will be faster.

Again, please dont worry to much about these unfair tests going around.


macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2004
san diego, ca.
baked beans is right, the intelimacs are future proof. the g4 is a little out dated but still well suited for your needs.

i just don't want to be the guy to tell you to blow all you money for biggest and baddest and have you find out it's too big and too bad for you.

There are people who sell their macs because the just don't need that much computer.( i know, how can you ever have too much computer:confused: )

"if i need to shoot rabbits in the yard, i would probably buy a rifle not a bazooka" although that would be really cool:p

i know your new and might not know the meaning of future proof so as simple as i can:

it pertains to the usability life of the mac before it gets seriously outdated.
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