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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2010
Theres lots of rumors flying around of a new Apple TV
I'm looking to buy one and I've got one cornered on eBay for around £160 (160gb)

I would wait for the new Apple TV, but it seems its going to have little local storage and my internet connection is pretty poor so streaming is near impossible. I'd prefer to have all my video media stored locally, streaming audio isn't too bad so the Apple TV in its current form suits me fine.

Its also rumored to have a very low price, so I don't want to be worse off and having an more out of date product.

Do I wait to see what the new Apple TV offers or do I just buy one now given my situation?
Rumors are just that, rumors. If you want one now, buy it. If you think the next gen model is worth waiting for, wait.

You can ask this question every which way possible, but no one on here will be able to give you a good answer until a new model is released and we can compare one to the other.

Sorry I'm not assisting you with your question, but that is how you should logically view the situation.
For my use, there is nothing wrong with the present model, apart from limited disk size. I am at the moment preparing myself to try and upgrade. I have ordered a 320GB WD. Been reading reports here, but feeling a bit nervous about trying it. :) Will see what happens.

IMHO if Apple are going to release a new model this year, they will do it in time to take advantage of the Christmas shopping spree. Allowing for advertising and shipping, I would suggest mid September, early October. If so, hopefully it will come with a bigger capacity.
I bought my second one last month when the rumors seemed to crescendo about the imminent release of a new streaming version with no local storage. we do a lot of live terminal emulation for clients and such, and a lot of citrix and the idea of streaming hogging bandwidth didn't sit well so I figured that i'd pick one up. i did the same thing with the older square nano because i'd collected a whole bunch of cases for it over time and basically upgraded the size and am very happy.

there are downsides to streaming for the user. especially of it's streaming off another computer on your network. it'll potentially tie up your net and the other system has to be on, etc... happy i am with my two appletv's.
just get the 40 gig and stream your content

The new one's rumoured to be geared entirely towards streaming. The only question is, will it be able to handle 1080p and/or higher bitrate content. If anyone is holding out for a bigger HDD inside, then they are probably wasting their time.

Also, it is rumoured that the new one will run iOS, which brings the potential for it to offer webtv services and play apps / games on your telly.
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