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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
I'm dying to get a new iMac, being a PC user, I want to switch.
Will the prices come down in the next few months?
Can I settle for a 20 in or splurge and get the 24 inch.
Also, can I install a windows XP professional version that came with one of my old pc's or will I have to buy a new copy of windows?

THanks for your help
I'd definitely go with the 24" rather than the 20" if you can afford it. I guarantee you will be very glad you did :)
I'd definitely go with the 24" rather than the 20" if you can afford it. I guarantee you will be very glad you did :)

I second that! I love my 24" and couldn't imagine being on a 20" now. If you can afford it, definitely go with the larger option. I would also go with the best video card you can afford too. Memory you can add yourself.

GL with the switch. I never regret switching 1.5 years ago. Only regret was, I wish I did it sooner :)
Definitely go to the 24" and definitely buy now. Prices aren't going to drop much, if any.. and a new model won't be announced until November to January at earliest.
Go for it NOW! I would most definitely go for the 24" model over the 20" - big difference in screen quality.
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