I'm thinking of buying the 21.5 inch iMac sometime this month or February. I've had two hard drive problems in the past couple months and the computer runs slower than usual. I had to do 3 clean installs because - 1st time partition screwed up 2nd time because the keys were out of order 3rd the computer couldn't read the partition. I've been stuck with my 20" 2008 low end watching Apple blazing up the specs. Because I'm entering the age for labor, I plan to do 1080P movie editing in FCS, 10 MP SLR images. Things sometimes get a bit slow on me and FCP is almost impossible to use. I was thinking of giving the 20" to my mom for her basic work, my mom's desktop to my bro and nephews, and the 21.5 for me. I just want to know if it would really help me, or just keep me in a traffic jam again. Another thing, is there a way I can pay like $200 a month for supposedly 6 months (just an example). I also would like to play some GTA 4 and Left 4 Dead 2 on Windows 7 smoothly. They run pretty slow. Sims 3 is sort of slow on Win7. Thanks for any help.