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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 27, 2007

I have a 2016 15” MacBook Pro that is experiencing several sticky keys and double/triple presses, as well as a battery service warning. It’s still eligible for the keyboard replacement program as I bought it refurbished in 2017 (I confirmed this over apple chat before).

The issue is, I broke the bottom clip of the C key trying to clean underneath it and the key is loose in the slot. Do you think apple will still send it in for the replacement program or try to blame the issue on me and not replace it? There are still 5-6 other affected keys and I only tried to clean under the key because of the sticking issue in the first place. I’m wondering if I should try to explain this to a genius or just send it through the mail. I went to the Apple store last time because my space bar was sticking and they just opened it up, blew air in it, and gave it back.

Also, I know they replace the top case and the battery, but does that include the speakers too? My left speaker sounds distorted and tinny compared to the right one.

Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated! :)


macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2016
If I were in your situation, I would go to the Apple Store. Even in non-pandemic times, mailing high value items is risky. Plus, assuming you feel safe at your local Apple Store, it is easier and faster to explain your problem, provide information, find out proposed solutions, and, if necessary, get a senior employee's approval in person.
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