Alright so I jailbroke my phone last night using quickpwn on a friend's windows PC (I have a new unibody Mac so skipped that hassle), and after hearing murmurs about installer being a bad app, etc. I chose to just install Cydia. Will I be able to get the full effect of a jailbroken iphone without having the installer app? I've already got winterboard, and I'm just starting to explore and have had no problems so far so I wanted to know whether I should re-jailbreak and add on installer or continue as I am.
PS-When I see iphone themes on my computer, how do I go about downloading them, transferring them, and applying them to my actual iphone? Thanks again guys!
PS-When I see iphone themes on my computer, how do I go about downloading them, transferring them, and applying them to my actual iphone? Thanks again guys!