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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
My employer offers free Norton antivirus software for Mac or PC to all its employees for use on the employees' home computers.

Question: Should I load the software on my new 2009 iMac, or pass on it?

Free is great, but would it do more harm than good, such as slowing down my computer?

FWIW, at the Apple store several employees told me neither they nor the store manager uses antivirus software on their personal macs.
My recommendation = no AV for your Mac

My strong recommendation = avoid Norton for the Mac totally

That is all

Woof, Woof - Dawg
No because...

1. It's Norton (I don't care what anyone says, Norton is s---, many bad Windows experiences...)
2. It's a Mac. No real threats to Mac's.

It wouldn't hurt but at the same time it wouldn't do anything. The only benefit you might have is if you're communicating with many through e-mail and you find a virus - you can clean it and prevent it from affecting others (but that's a stretch and most likely used by a rep to sell)

Also, if you're using Time Machine, anti-virus software is known to affect Time Machine backups.
No you don't need antivirus on your Mac. Stay away from questionable sites, and don't install anything that seems fishy to you, and you'll be fine. Also stay away from torrents.

Oh God..............

Norton? Well, I had it for 3 years, Never found not one virus. For some reason it never found any viruses. One day my computer had a big time virus. So I called up this company called BluePhone (I really recommend you look into these people, the BEST people you can ask for computers) [$199/year]

They installed some free softwares and it took away lots of viruses that my comp had but Norton couldnt find.

Install AV = Not at this time, but dont worry there will be a time where we would need it. ;)

Dont get Norton. I know it looks professional and all but really its not.
Oh God..............

Norton? Well, I had it for 3 years, Never found not one virus. For some reason it never found any viruses. One day my computer had a big time virus. So I called up this company called BluePhone (I really recommend you look into these people, the BEST people you can ask for computers) [$199/year]

They installed some free softwares and it took away lots of viruses that my comp had but Norton couldnt find.

Install AV = Not at this time, but dont worry there will be a time where we would need it. ;)

Dont get Norton. I know it looks professional and all but really its not.

Please tell me your kidding me. Are you seriously suggesting that a company found viruses on your Mac when there are no viruses for Macs. Only trojans exist for macs, and you only get those by installing pirated software. You got screwed by this company.

well i am assuming that since u are in a workplace where they offer it u will be working with windows computers. if u were not working with them i would say absolutely not, there are no viruses for os x, but since u are working with windows computers(im assuming) u should run antivirus software, not norton tho, norton sux rhino copulatory organs. i suggest clamxav just to scan what u will be sending to ur workers or ppl that use windows. its free as well
Please tell me your kidding me. Are you seriously suggesting that a company found viruses on your Mac when there are no viruses for Macs. Only trojans exist for macs, and you only get those by installing pirated software. You got screwed by this company.


Oh my badd,

I was using Windows ;)

Hahaha I think I just made lots of Mac uses angry :rolleyes:

And btw, BluePhone is totally legit dude. They know everything. They even put it that they can do anything you need thats why its like 200 dollars a year.

And the virus that I got was a new one.
I just got ProtectMac AV for mostly checking my flash drives rather than my Mini, I use Avast for my other computers at home. And what's wrong with torrents? don't you know that 'that' is the way of the future, yeah you might laugh/bit__ now but look at what it has become especially in today's economy where $7-$10 can get you a hot meal instead of a horrid movie night!!!

My employer's free AV software is Semantec. Is that the same as Norton or are they different?
You don't need a antivirus running on your MAC all the time.

If you do a lot of file sharing between Windows users, it is more likely better for them that you scan those specific files before sending it to them but you don't need to and don't have to. They should be the one doing this. It is better to do this in order to practice herd immunity. If one mac user disinfect the files before sending those files to the company, it would save the entire company from the infection, but if we ignore to do so and we send those files, it would bring in headaches to the company's IT.
I am still relatively new to mac's. I bought my G5 iMac in 07. I have had zero problems with viruses or the like. I have zero spyware or antivirus software. As long as you dont plan on downloading a torrented version of iLife 09 you should be fine.
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