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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 16, 2007
It came in a shiny holographic box with a big X on it. :D I'm just a bit worried about installing Leopard and having problems with the Adobe products. Should I be worried about loosing stuff (don't have an external drive to backup to)? Should I be worried about apps not working? Should I cross my fingers and hope for the best?

I'm open to suggestions! I ask on this forum because I need PS, AI, and ID for my class this next semester, and I figured more people here use these programs than the other forums.
What version of Adobe CS are you running? I'm running CS3 and have no problems with my leopard upgrade.

I have to say, though, that upgrading to any major OS release without a full, current backup is quite risky.
What version of Adobe CS are you running? I'm running CS3 and have no problems with my leopard upgrade.

I have to say, though, that upgrading to any major OS release without a full, current backup is quite risky.

I know it's quite risky! Yikes! Anyway, I'm running CS3 also. I've just heard that a few people were having freezing issues, etc. I might just run the risk. I'll backup the important pictures and stuff and see how it goes. I can also pull my music back off my iPod, but it takes time. All my assignments have been turned in and final grades for last semester have been given, so I might take the plunge.
Rather than upgrade I would recommend at the very least perform an archive and install for a cleaner installation. Though you may need to reinstall third party apps, I can't find anything in Apple support as to whether or not third party applications are moved. Personally I format and reinstall everything for a completely clean system.

First off back up data. If you do not have an external HD use DVD's or CD's even. Secondly BACK UP YOUR DATA!!! It really sucks to lose everything your hard drive can crash without warning, this has happened to me one second the HD is perfectly fine the next your read arm scrapes across the disk surface and everything is toast, fortunately I backed up my data. I have had at least 6 hard drive failures over the last 10 years. My data is now backed up to DVD and stored off site plus on an on site server with a RAID 1 array.

As for the update procedure here is what I would recommend for a clean, stable like new install.
1. Format your HD (Back up first everything will be erased)
2. Install Leopard
3. Download and Install Updates from Software Update
4. Download and Install the latest drivers for any third party Hardware from their manufacturers
5. Download and Install the latest versions of any freeware, shareware you use (ie Firefox, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Shockwave, VideoLAN Client) These programs are what I consider a must for Web Browsing.
6. Install your retail software and perform all updates
7. Copy back all of your data files from back-up disks.
8. Customize your user interface and enjoy

I have built, repaired, reinstalled and upgraded many computers this is definitely the way to go.
Rather than upgrade I would recommend at the very least perform an archive and install for a cleaner installation. Though you may need to reinstall third party apps, I can't find anything in Apple support as to whether or not third party applications are moved. Personally I format and reinstall everything for a completely clean system.

First off back up data. If you do not have an external HD use DVD's or CD's even. Secondly BACK UP YOUR DATA!!! It really sucks to lose everything your hard drive can crash without warning, this has happened to me one second the HD is perfectly fine the next your read arm scrapes across the disk surface and everything is toast, fortunately I backed up my data. I have had at least 6 hard drive failures over the last 10 years. My data is now backed up to DVD and stored off site plus on an on site server with a RAID 1 array.

As for the update procedure here is what I would recommend for a clean, stable like new install.
1. Format your HD (Back up first everything will be erased)
2. Install Leopard
3. Download and Install Updates from Software Update
4. Download and Install the latest drivers for any third party Hardware from their manufacturers
5. Download and Install the latest versions of any freeware, shareware you use (ie Firefox, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Shockwave, VideoLAN Client) These programs are what I consider a must for Web Browsing.
6. Install your retail software and perform all updates
7. Copy back all of your data files from back-up disks.
8. Customize your user interface and enjoy

I have built, repaired, reinstalled and upgraded many computers this is definitely the way to go.

I think that's what I'll be doing later today. I actually have about 50 blank DVD's that just sit because I hardly ever use them. If you do the math, each one was about $0.30 which means in the end I'd be paying roughly $15 for about 235 GB of storage. Much cheaper than buying an external drive. Most of the stuff I need to backup is wedding photos from my cousins wedding, notes from various classes over the last few months, assignments from classes, etc. I'm not too worried about backing up my music. I can pull that off my iPod, even though it's a little time consuming. If that doesn't work, I'll just pull out the cd's and rip them again.

I also need to use bootcamp so I can install Windows. I have it on here now with a 7 GB partition, which is way too small! I couldn't make it any bigger because it wouldn't work. Everytime I tried it said to do a clean install of OS X and try again. So, now I need to head into work and see if they'll let me take a few more paid days off since I'm all caught up and have a few that they owe me! Wish me luck!
5 burned discs total. I have 3 more to go until I have it all backed up. I'm getting excited!

EDIT: Got it all running. Did the DVD backup thing and then did a clean install. Updated to 10.5.1 and so far everything seems to be running great. I've played around with spaces and stuff and REALLY enjoy that. It should prove to be VERY helpful. Anyway, I'll install the Adobe products later tonight and give them a test run.
I THINK I MAY HAVE SCREWED IT UP BIG TIME!!! I just realized that I forgot to deactivate my iTunes account, my audible account, and my CS3 products BEFORE I went and erased the hard drive. I sure hope that don't come back to bite me in the butt!
I only know it from CS3, you can install and activate it on 2 machines. So if you only activated it on your mbp you can activate it again, but it will think it is the 2nd machine since you don't deactivated it before erasing it. I would contact Adobe support, I'm sure they can do something about it. Maybe you'll buy a desktop in 2 years and then wonder why it isn't working. ;)

As for upgrading to Leopard, although now it's too late, I cloned both my PowerBooks and my iMacs HDs to external ones and just tried an update. No archive & install, no clean reinstall, just a simple update. Tried it on my pb first to see what will happen, and when I had zero problems I updated the iMac. And that's right, zero problems on both machines. Everything is working, CS3, Cinema 4D, FontExplorerX and various shareware/free little helpers.

I was certainly surprised since I always did a clean reinstall with the last (10.2, 10.3, 10.4) updates. Maybe I was lucky. Anyway, good luck with your upgrade!
I only know it from CS3, you can install and activate it on 2 machines. So if you only activated it on your mbp you can activate it again, but it will think it is the 2nd machine since you don't deactivated it before erasing it. I would contact Adobe support, I'm sure they can do something about it. Maybe you'll buy a desktop in 2 years and then wonder why it isn't working. ;)

As for upgrading to Leopard, although now it's too late, I cloned both my PowerBooks and my iMacs HDs to external ones and just tried an update. No archive & install, no clean reinstall, just a simple update. Tried it on my pb first to see what will happen, and when I had zero problems I updated the iMac. And that's right, zero problems on both machines. Everything is working, CS3, Cinema 4D, FontExplorerX and various shareware/free little helpers.

I was certainly surprised since I always did a clean reinstall with the last (10.2, 10.3, 10.4) updates. Maybe I was lucky. Anyway, good luck with your upgrade!

I got my serial number from Adobe just now. It's activated again and running just fine. I'm not sure whether this is considered machine two or not, but I have no plans of getting a desktop in the next 2-3 years, so I'm not too worried.

As far as iTunes and Audible accounts, I figured out how to reset them. iTunes can be reset under my iTunes account, but it turns out I don't have enough computers activated yet to do so. I have 4 out of 5 now. One at home, one at work, and this one twice. As far as Audible, I can email them and they will reset it I guess.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I think I'm set here now.
Depends on what Apps you are using. For me, Photoshop CS3 and InDesign CS3 are working great.
:apple: on
Yeah, they seem to be working fine. I actually went ahead and registered my copy of CS3 and got an email with a list of free benefits. I clicked one to see what their price of the Classroom in a Book series was, and it pretty much wasted the benefits. I wanted the free font, so I called them and they are just a bunch of incompetent fools over at Adobe. They told me I already used my benefit to purchase the books, which I already own three of, and IF I were to buy more, I'd buy them at amazon for half the price. They said because I've already used it they couldn't send me the email again to download my font. I DIDN'T BUY THE DAMN BOOKS! Anyway, I'm pissed off now at Adobe.
Just had a CRAZY Leopard

Ok, so my computer just had an acid trip or something! I was working on a little thing in illustrator, opened it in photoshop, and then saved it as a .jpg into the documents folder which is on the dock. Once it hit there, the dock disappeared and would reappear about once every ten seconds for about 1 second. My background images were rotating through at about every 2-3 seconds instead of 1 minute and weren't transitioning. I restarted and it still did it so I called Apple and was on hold with them when I figured it out. The only way to launch anything was through the Mac HD icon on the desktop, or using quicksilver.

I tried using the Cmd+Tab key to flip through the open programs, but it didn't work. So, I went to the Mac HD icon which opened a finder window. I then went down to the Documents folder, found the image I had just saved, and moved it to the desktop. Once I did that the dock reappeared and all has been well since.

I tried to recreate this by just saving a .jpg to the documents folder, but nothing. I'm going to try to save something from AI to PS to .jpg and see if it does it again. Anyway, it was WEIRD!

EDIT: Just tried it again, going from AI to PS to .jpg into the documents folder. Guess what, IT DID IT AGAIN! So, if anyone else wants to test this to see if they get this problem, be my guest. Just remember, all you have to do is move the .jpg out of the document folder on the dock and it all works fine again.

Now, where do I report this error? It was rather frustrating because I couldn't do very much and a lot of stuff wouldn't open.
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