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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 10, 2008
The title pretty much sums it up. I bought my iMac about two weeks ago from Best Buy. It was the old mid range model before the did the processor bumps. It was on clearance for $1,200. Anyway, the question is should I return it? I have dust under the screen, semi-bad gradient, and 2 nicks on the aluminum that were there from the time I unboxed it. Any suggestions? I know I could clean under the glass, but considering I just spend this much money on a computer I would like it to be as close to perfect as possible. $1,200 bucks doesn't come easy when your 16. Also, I would rather return or make an exchange than sending it in for warranty work since I am still within the 30 day period. I was actually going to buy a MacBook Pro, but bought this instead and I am still wondering if I made the right choice, but aside from the MBP dilemma, what would you do? Advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Tyler
If you don't mind taking the 10% restock fee, go right ahead unless they'll take it back defective.
You'd have to check Best Buys return policy, but two weeks of usage is kinda pushing it for a straight return.

I don't think you should have a problem getting an exchange though, dust under the screen and nicks in the aluminum don't sound right at all to me.
Does Best Buy really charge a 10% restocking fee?

If you are able to get a free and clear complete return try buying a Refurbished Mac from Apple's site. $999 Canadian gets you the entry level iMac.

It sounds to me like you purchased the floor model though so you might not be able to return or exchange it.
Thanks for the replies. Do they really charge a 10% restocking fee? They told me that I had 30 days to return it no questions asked and to my knowledge it was never a floor model. Keep the replies coming.
Thanks for the replies. Do they really charge a 10% restocking fee? They told me that I had 30 days to return it no questions asked and to my knowledge it was never a floor model. Keep the replies coming.

This is the BestBuy retail store return policy

The following quote from the site above says you only have 14 days to return a computer:

"14-day return period
We accept returns or exchanges 14 days from the original purchase on computers, monitors, notebook computers, projectors, camcorders, digital cameras, GPS navigation, radar detectors and video games purchased as used."
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