The title pretty much sums it up. I bought my iMac about two weeks ago from Best Buy. It was the old mid range model before the did the processor bumps. It was on clearance for $1,200. Anyway, the question is should I return it? I have dust under the screen, semi-bad gradient, and 2 nicks on the aluminum that were there from the time I unboxed it. Any suggestions? I know I could clean under the glass, but considering I just spend this much money on a computer I would like it to be as close to perfect as possible. $1,200 bucks doesn't come easy when your 16. Also, I would rather return or make an exchange than sending it in for warranty work since I am still within the 30 day period. I was actually going to buy a MacBook Pro, but bought this instead and I am still wondering if I made the right choice, but aside from the MBP dilemma, what would you do? Advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Tyler
Thanks, Tyler