I'm concerned this won't make a dent in the universe. The Scandinavian retailer, Komplett, have over 70 iPads in their inventory, and like most people I can spot the difference in screen size, but I am starting to feel like they are trying a bit too hard to replace the laptop with an iPad. I don't know why I am even looking at the list. What is the difference if I buy the most expensive model versus the least expensive model? I'm not going to use either of them for advanced and powerful operations. Games are the exception, and will always demand the most expensive hardware to play AAA titles.
The fun thing about games is that you are acquiring hardware for massive amounts of money to play 20-50 dollar software. I have a gaming PC, and I hate this equation. In enterprise it is different, you just pay per hour, per cpu and per GB as you need it in the cloud, and you get the bill from actual use, but with games you pay full upfront to play games you don't know how long will be popular, how long they will be supported or if they are any good at all.
I feel the difference in size has a lot more with your what you are willing to hold and how big your hands are. My wife likes the iPad mini, but they are not updating them anymore, so who cares? Most of the women migrate to the iPhone Plus instead of opting for another iPad Mini, and not having to pay for, charge and maintain two devices is a plus.
I have tried connecting a Magic Keyboard to my iPad, and it was a fun experience while my MacBook Pro was in AppleCare, but it felt excessive and unnecessary when I got back my laptop. The lower price point doesn't really matter, as people who are on a budget doesn't buy Apple hardware. Apps for iPads are also sold at a poorer asking price than their desktop counterparts, and the developers have to pay 30% App Store tax to sell their software, making a lot software publishers ask themselves if it is worth the hassle.
Bottom line...
Right now I can't really see the future of the iPad. It is great for reading, but I seldom take it with me, nor do I buy anymore apps to it. In my case the development has stopped. The touch computers are lacking new features, and the only thing you are able to buy now are status and the highest price takes it all. The iPhone X seems like the only new product worth buying from Apple at the moment, but then again, you can always wait...then wait some more...until the future finally arrives.