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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 14, 2003
Bay Area
I just bought a 15" MBP and haven't really used my iMac in a while... Can't really think of a reason to keep it. And I could use the money towards an extra screen. But I am not really sure yet and don't want to regret my decision so some help guys :confused:
sure sell it to me. i see no reason why you would need both of them. put it up on the market place you could get more than enough for a nice display.
External displays work great with screen spanning.

If your I macs not an Intel then its going to date real fast, loosing value quickly so anytime soon is the best time to sell for best return.

Get at least a 20" LCD and you shouldn't miss it.
well, if you dont use it, whats the point in having an extra computer! you had might as well free up some money! but then again it look like you dont need it that badly as you have just bought yourself two computers!
dylan said:
sure sell it to me. i see no reason why you would need both of them. put it up on the market place you could get more than enough for a nice display.

I might give that a go but there seems to be a minimum 100 post limit to be able to post on the market place...

So any one in Melbourne Australia who wants a 20" Intel iMac lol
Depends on what you're going to use it for; If you've got some heavy duty processing to do; You may enjoy using XGrid between the two (you will need to set one machine up as a server...

If you're just an average consumer, You probably only need one machine, but bear in mind, at the moment the iMac is more reliable, and has had less technical flaws than the macbook pro. (i can vouch for that, i work at a service center lol).

Personally, I have an iMac 20" Core Duo, and a 12" iBook G4, and use both very frequently (often at the same time). I'm looking at selling my iBook G4 and getting a MBP at the next revision (or at the 13.3" MBP if they release one :p), purely so i can do my hard core Final Cut and Aperture work on the go, and let the iMac do that all when I'm at home....

The XGrid option is very cool if you have something that works with it (pretty much any ProApp with distributed computing: FCS, Logic, Shake), as it means whenever you add a mac to your family, you increase your processing power. :D
How much does it cost to send it to Adelaide lol

Wow, why not use the iMac as an overglorified display? :rolleyes:
sell it

sell it you don't need two computers if you're only using one. You could buy a display & use the display to turn your laptop into a entertainment center
Don't sell it. Sounds like you have a perfect setup.

If you haven't already, buy .Mac and use it to keep everything (prefs, bookmarks etc) sync'd on both machines. Use your iDisk for keeping important bits and pieces accessible on both computers.

Your iMac will be much better for prolonged periods of use, while in the MBP you have a fantastic portable. Why go back from having the best of both worlds?
miniConvert said:
Don't sell it. Sounds like you have a perfect setup.

If you haven't already, buy .Mac and use it to keep everything (prefs, bookmarks etc) sync'd on both machines. Use your iDisk for keeping important bits and pieces accessible on both computers.

Your iMac will be much better for prolonged periods of use, while in the MBP you have a fantastic portable. Why go back from having the best of both worlds?

That's what I have (only it's an iMac & PowerBook with .Mac), and it is awesome!
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