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Silly John Fatty

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 6, 2012
I bought a second generation iPad Pro 12,9 this week, with cellular and 256 GB. I bought it new from someone who was selling it only, it's still packaged and everything, was never taken out of the box, never activated obviously. The price for it here in Europe is around 1230 Euros, I got it for 830 with the shipping. Pretty good deal I'd say…

I also bought it because my first gen Air 1 (also cellular and 128 GB) is starting to become slow. I still have iOS 8 on it which keeps it rather fast for simple things, but there's plenty of apps that don't work anymore.

But now I feel like I shouldn't keep that Pro. We're basically just falling into that consumer trap, but for what? Is consuming really the goal of life? I'd rather read about history, politics, science and become smarter and wiser, recognise tendencies in our society and help us become something greater, and then I look at that iPad Pro and tell myself: Basically it's the exact same thing I have already, except Game A will run better or App B will have additional features, but is that really that important?

I still need my iPad for various things … scientific works, writing lots of stuff, reading the newspaper. I do play games and watch things online, but I feel like these things are the lesser important things in life, and this huge iPad Pro will just drag me even more into these not so important things. I don't want to just consume. I feel like our world is in turmoil and like we're facing new radical changes and revolutions in the not so far future, I wonder if I shouldn't be doing more important things. I just see myself having lots of screens around me and these screens becoming bigger and bigger and I wonder if I didn't lose the battle against becoming one of those hamster wheels – not that I was against that, someone needs to run the economy, but I guess I just don't want to be the hamster.

On the other hand, I'd love to draw, and the iPad 12,9 is perfect for that. I want to try myself at architecture – been a huge fan of classical architecture for a while and would love to draw some classical things on it. Maybe one day I can build some buildings like that - but the reality is, will the iPad really help me with that?

I also use my Air 1 in public transport sometimes. You must imagine, public transport in Europe is not like in America, it has a different status. And many people in fact read on their iPads in the transports. I only do when I have exams and when I still prepare and re-read all my notes while going to the university, otherwise I usually look at the people and observe them. And in fact, almost all people are just doing something on their smartphones. The ones with tablets are still minorities, but they start to become more. The iPad Pro is huge, I can not really read things on it in the public transports, so it will most likely just stay at home. But honest, if it wasn't awkward, I'd probably do it, I'd most likely use it in public transports. But it's embarrassing. It's what I said before, us humans sitting all next to each other, watching our screens, and these screens becoming bigger and bigger over time. I don't want to be the one with the biggest screen in the public transports, what'd going to be next? Guys coming with plasma TVs in the subway?

It's weird, and I feel weird. I'm not sure if I shouldn't sell it again. I could make a win out of it, since I bought it for so much less than it cost new. So my idea was to get the 10,5 Pro. I'd sell my Air, and with my profit from selling the 12,9 Pro, I would save quite some money. Then however I compared flagship iPad models with "lesser" models, and compared their price evolution, and it seems as if the top model always holds a better value than the others (in many things we can actually observe the opposite, i.e. very expensive cars or other luxury items, that drastically lose their worth). I calculated that the iPad Pro 12,9 would most likely lose a very percent less of its value than the 10,5. And the difference between what I have spent for the 12,9 and the 10,5 would be huge, except if I found a similar deal with a 10,5 Pro, but that isn't likely. Which basically means the money I didn't spend on the Pro 12,9 I'll be spending more on the 10,5 – see what I mean?

And that's where I get back to the question, do I really want a smaller device for basically almost the same price, plus the slightly bigger value loss?

It's a hard decision, and very psychological … no, I'm not crazy, I just type very fast and my brain goes through many thoughts very quickly in real time, even overtaking my writing speed. But seriously, should I sell this iPad Pro 12,9? Is this something for virgins and should I rather be flirting with smart, attractive women out there?
So, you have lots of thoughts and feelings about this. ;) I don’t think replacing an Air 1 with a new Pro means that you are necessarily caught up in consumerism or not focusing on the right things in life. There is a pretty significant increase in capabilities, and you would need to replace your Air 1 sooner rather than later. It does sound like the 10.5 would have been a better fit for you, but that’s not what you have. And given that what you have is the 12.9— I’d be hard-pressed to spend more money to downgrade to something smaller, since that’s what you indicate would probably happen. But you have to decide whether that’s worth it. I definitely would not sell the 12.9 just to go back to the Air 1, when you’d just be in the same position of needing to replace the Air 1 soonish.
So, you have lots of thoughts and feelings about this. ;) I don’t think replacing an Air 1 with a new Pro means that you are necessarily caught up in consumerism or not focusing on the right things in life. There is a pretty significant increase in capabilities, and you would need to replace your Air 1 sooner rather than later. It does sound like the 10.5 would have been a better fit for you, but that’s not what you have. And given that what you have is the 12.9— I’d be hard-pressed to spend more money to downgrade to something smaller, since that’s what you indicate would probably happen. But you have to decide whether that’s worth it. I definitely would not sell the 12.9 just to go back to the Air 1, when you’d just be in the same position of needing to replace the Air 1 soonish.

Thanks DoubleFlyaway for your input. :) I see what you're saying, and in fact, I have voices on one side telling me what you are telling me.
I wouldn't need to spend more money on the 10,5, I'd actually save some money. That's because I got the 12,9 very cheaper for its price, so I could basically sell it for more than I bought it. In absolute numbers this means that I would have to spend less for a new iPad, if it was the 10,5. In absolute numbers, I would be spending a little more for the 12,9. And then I'm always thinking about the fact I'm still a student and I should be spending my money on other things, saving it for a new kitchen or furniture once I get my own flat, instead of spending in on possibly useless gadgets like a huge iPad 12,9. :( Is that reasonable?
Oh, I misunderstood. In that case, maybe the 10.5.

The thing is that for me, the 12.9 is my laptop substitute. I do everything on it, including my actual work that pays me money i live on. :). So it doesn’t seem like a crazy luxury to me. I love it, but it’s a nice, very practical item.
Well, you certainly have a lot to think about! But I can tell you I have the 10.5 and just got the 12.9 pro 2nd Gen and work in the sciences, read, write, draw and there is simply NO comparison between the two. Anyone serious in these fields will usually end up with a 12.9 IMO unless space is a real issue, in fact, the differences is really not all that much between the two. I personally just like having more screen real estate to read, draw, write, review literature. Makes life easier.. Good luck!!
Oh, I misunderstood. In that case, maybe the 10.5.

The thing is that for me, the 12.9 is my laptop substitute. I do everything on it, including my actual work that pays me money i live on. :). So it doesn’t seem like a crazy luxury to me. I love it, but it’s a nice, very practical item.
Well said!
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If I’m reading correctly ... You’re basically uncomfortable using the 12.9 on public transportation and looking to upgrade your Air. If everyone in Europe is actually invested in their own little world captivated by their smartphones, there’s one answer. To be blunt, in the nicest way of putting it ... "no one cares about you." And the same with me, if I rode on public transportation, no one would give a lick about me either. Those individuals on the train, bus or whatever mode of public transportation only cares about one thing — themselves at the moment in time. I personally hate people watching.

What I didn’t quite grasp from your post is if you truly need to replace your Air. You say some apps don’t work and the Air can be slow at times. But the important question is can you still be effectively productive with your existing Air? Does any of your primary work (scientific stuff, writing stuff, reading the newspaper, etc) require either the 12.9 or 10.5?

Most important question: Are you dead set on replacing the Air?

The reason why I got the Ipad 12.9 is because of multitasking split screen along with the apple pencil, plus the larger screen. The ipad 10.5 has roughly the same physical dimension as the retina 4. I have the retina 4 (2012) and it’s been collecting dust ever since I’ve upgraded to the 12.9 (2017).

If drawing will be potentially important down the line (your interest in architecture), if you ever need to use reference images in split screen mode, a larger screen will offer more comfort.

Bottom line: Personal experience. I’ve had my ipad 4 retina for over 6 years. My very first ipad. It worked for various task, but I’ve never really been all that "comfortable" using it because it was always too small. Web surf, video consumption was ‘okay’ but I would much rather surf on my computer (55’ hdtv monitor, double duties as a tv). Fast forward to 2018 and I am finally comfortable doing stuff with a tablet because the 12.9 has enough screen real estate. It’s basically like holding a spiral bound notebook or a piece of binder paper.

The ipad 12.9 is still a supplemental accessory; will never replace my PC.
To me it sounds like your needs would be better suited with the 12.9 but you can make use of your Air on the train and such.

I would keep both and utilize both. I don’t use mine except for entertainment so I did not want to indulge myself in a 12.9” so I got the 10.5. Next one I may go bigger since I do not travel much with it and do not use it for commuting either.
I would keep the Air too. I didn't necessarily intend to keep my Air 2, but I did and love having both. It was my MBP i ended up selling because I didn't use it anymore.
Thanks for all your answers! They make me think a lot.

If I’m reading correctly ... You’re basically uncomfortable using the 12.9 on public transportation and looking to upgrade your Air. If everyone in Europe is actually invested in their own little world captivated by their smartphones, there’s one answer. To be blunt, in the nicest way of putting it ... "no one cares about you." And the same with me, if I rode on public transportation, no one would give a lick about me either. Those individuals on the train, bus or whatever mode of public transportation only cares about one thing — themselves at the moment in time. I personally hate people watching.

What I didn’t quite grasp from your post is if you truly need to replace your Air. You say some apps don’t work and the Air can be slow at times. But the important question is can you still be effectively productive with your existing Air? Does any of your primary work (scientific stuff, writing stuff, reading the newspaper, etc) require either the 12.9 or 10.5?

Most important question: Are you dead set on replacing the Air?

The reason why I got the Ipad 12.9 is because of multitasking split screen along with the apple pencil, plus the larger screen. The ipad 10.5 has roughly the same physical dimension as the retina 4. I have the retina 4 (2012) and it’s been collecting dust ever since I’ve upgraded to the 12.9 (2017).

If drawing will be potentially important down the line (your interest in architecture), if you ever need to use reference images in split screen mode, a larger screen will offer more comfort.

Bottom line: Personal experience. I’ve had my ipad 4 retina for over 6 years. My very first ipad. It worked for various task, but I’ve never really been all that "comfortable" using it because it was always too small. Web surf, video consumption was ‘okay’ but I would much rather surf on my computer (55’ hdtv monitor, double duties as a tv). Fast forward to 2018 and I am finally comfortable doing stuff with a tablet because the 12.9 has enough screen real estate. It’s basically like holding a spiral bound notebook or a piece of binder paper.

The ipad 12.9 is still a supplemental accessory; will never replace my PC.

I guess you ask the right questions … I will definitely replace the Air. I feel it's coming to its end, it starts to be slower and slower, apps crash more frequently and some apps I need don't work anymore.
I also believe that all the points you mention in which the 12,9 is more comfortable are right. I just often ask myself the question if comfort is necessary. People lived without comfort for long enough. But then again, if we have the possibility, why not. I just tell myself that maybe as a student I shouldn't spend money on comfort. Then again, I don't have a lot of spendings, have a good bank balance, so it would be alright. I wouldn't keep both iPads however, like some said. That would be a waste of money, I don't need two iPads and I prefer to get those few hundred Euros for it.

I have almost sold the Air for 340€, but the seller was so annoying, and I wanted more to be honest, so I'm still waiting. I'll leave the Pro unopened and will decide when the Air is sold - if it is sold. I feel that I'll end up with the Pro. I feel a bit guilty to be honest. But on the other side I can imagine all the fun I'd have with it, and of course I could work easier with it. I admit that the Air is a bit too small for writing some of the papers I do, and I often have to switch between apps which is especially annoying when you return to Safari and it loads the whole page again. The Air is also becoming clumsy like I said, and its missing the iCloud Drive app which I'm thriving for. I could update the Air to obtain it - it's got iOS 8 on it right now - but it will become super slow and laggy if I do that. That's one of the reasons why I want to get rid of the Air, because I need to do an iOS update sooner or later, but my Air won't handle that update very well. Thanks again for all your replies. :)
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