Snow Leopard will IMPROVE how the rev B 1.86 GHz with SSD runs. Remember, with Snow Leopard, Grand Central Dispatch will allow apps to run off multiple cores/threads, and OpenCL will allow apps to use GPU to do processing. And remember, that the Nvidia 9400m GPU does h.264 hardware video decoding for QT.
Really, the powers of the 9400m are not yet being taken advantage of. Snow Leopard helps change that, but it depends on app developers to take advantage of the new technologies. The GREAT THING is the MBA has ALL of the components for Snow Leopard to run faster than Leopard.
I have just been using it for an hour now, and my boot times are now under 20 seconds... was 21 to 23 seconds before. Shutdown is INSTANT. Apps are opening instantly. All the 64-bit apps are AMAZINGLY FAST.
It's definitely a lot faster with Snow Leopard!
I agree, 4 GB of RAM would be better, and two RAM slots is my dream scenario for a new rev C high-end or rev D update. BUT, that would just be so I could run Windows virtually and share the RAM. The one hangup I have with the MBA is I don't want to waste hard drive space for Windows AND I don't want to share RAM to do a virtual setup.
I believe a 256 GB SSD and 4 GB of RAM are just around the corner, so it might be worth your wait if you're happy with your current setup??? I think we could see a September to November update to the MBA that provides a new high-end version. I think Apple would want to take advantage of Penryn Low Voltage CPU (same one currently being used) with upgraded Nvidia chipset and GPU (rumored last week). I think with 4 GB RAM and 256 GB SSD, we're probably looking at the $2199 range???
My theory is based on the 256 GB SSD not being ready when Apple updated the notebooks, and the feud between Intel and Nvidia. Once Arrandale is released, unless the licensing dispute gets resolved, Nvidia will NOT be able to provide chipsets for Intel Nehalem/Arrandale CPUs. Plus, the SL9600 2.13 GHz Penryn CPU is plenty powerful enough... and I don't think Apple will want us to lose the graphics capabilities of Nvidia's GPU... the Arrandale integrated graphics is going to be half as powerful as Nvidia's GPU.... not fun!
We will see... but I hope to be shelling out more cash in the next three or four months for a new high-end MBA. I would go nuts for two RAM slots... can you imagine the MBA with 256 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM, and 2.13 GHz Penryn with Nvidia 200m (the update to 9400m)? Would be killer!