Totally with you George. The new disk utility is an absolute joke. I've been writing up some feedback stuff late in the evening when I've had time which I'll send to Apple. This disk utility debacle just matches the trend of dumbing down the OS, which really started with 10.7 Lion. Like you, I really feel they've gone a step too far with this new Disk Utility.
I've got a 2012 Mac Mini - they crippled the latest model so I wouldn't upgrade. A total backward step! However, I'm plagued with random restarts at the moment. I've previously had two mainboard replacements for graphics anomalies and a picky memory card reader. Plus the Applecare has just run out - but I know they'll still sort it out despite that. The thing is, they menitoned if I contined to have problems they would just sort me a brand new machine. Whilst I don't wish to sound ungrateful, I won't be hapy with a crippled Mac Mini!
I've been using Mac's since 1988 so leaving the Mac environment is not something I'd do lightly, but I'm seriously considering it at the moment. I've been dabbling with Linux Mint for a while now and it's really starting to look appealing to me. Having said that, I've just bought an old Unibody White Macbook for 180 quid and will plan on using 10.6 Snow Leopard for my regular tasks - just hope it works OK.
Anyway, I want to say it again. The new Disk Utility in OS X 10.11 El Capitan is totally BOT!
UPDATE: Actually I forgot to say something which is important. Since I've updated to El Capitan, Apple appear to have made my external superdrive completely redundant without a 3rd-party disc burning app. Utter disgrace. Please someone prove me wrong!