In the cockpit a Mini 5 might suit, but although it has pencil support, you’re likely to want something bigger for your studies. At 9.7”, your iPad seems an ideal compromise between portability and ease of pencil use. The 10.2” iPad is your iPad with 1GB extra RAM, a smart connector and half an inch of screen - which will lose you free Microsoft Office. You might get free access via college but it’s something to think about for the future. It doesn’t seem a big enough upgrade to me. I’d wait it out to see what Apple offer next year and pick up a deal on one of the existing models at that point if nothing sticks out.
If you upgrade now you might end up with a keyboard that isn’t compatible with a future model that appeals to you, and then end up having bought two iPads and two keyboards (not cheap in themselves.) Another vote for a Bluetooth keyboard.