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Aft Bad

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 31, 2009
Hi Ppl,

This is my 1st venture into this forum.I like the way that ppl r willing to help out when any1 has a prob/query.Well hope i 2 will get one.Recently,after a long wait,i was able to get my hands on iPhone (its a jailbroken one : Version - 2.0.2 (5C1) and Modem Firmware - 02.08.01).Whenever i connect to iTunes,i get this message asking whether i want to upgrade to the latest firmware.But i fear that doing so will lock my phone or something like that.So can you please tell me whether i should or not do the upgrade?
You say your phone is jailbroken. Is it unlocked as well??

If it's jailbroken only, you'll be fine doing the upgrade as the new firmware has already been cracked by DevTeam. As far as unlocking, I have no clue. I know there's a certain way to upgrade and preserve the baseband thus preserving the ability to unlock. But like I said, I'm clueless because I've only ever jailbroken.
You say your phone is jailbroken. Is it unlocked as well??

If it's jailbroken only, you'll be fine doing the upgrade as the new firmware has already been cracked by DevTeam. As far as unlocking, I have no clue. I know there's a certain way to upgrade and preserve the baseband thus preserving the ability to unlock. But like I said, I'm clueless because I've only ever jailbroken.

To unlock with 2.2.1 you need to create a custom firmware that iTunes will use to restore to your iPhone. You create the custom firmware using the PwnageTool. If you select Advnaced Mode in that tool there is an option to update (or not) the baseband. Don't update, then when you update you can unlock
Should i upgrade to latest firmware


I think my phone is unlocked,cos i can use any SIM(Vodafone,Airtel) in it (if that's what u had meant by unlocking).

Ok i shld not upgrade,isnt it.Well i wont.But will i be able to install the apps which are available for iPhone like Video Recording,Copy Paste,SMS forwarding,games etc......since i have an old version of firmware?
Absolutely. All of the past firmwares have been cracked for jailbreaking and unlocking.

Just find yourself a good guide and follow instructions. Come back and let us know how satisfied you are when you get done!
Hi ppl,

Sorry for the very late reply (my system was down for a long , long time ;-(..

By the way ,i was able to install a few apps like Cycorder,Bite sms,i sniper n public radio..But having used these apps has made me greedy for more..But when i downloaded the free apps from the App store n synced,iTunes indicated that some apps could not be synced since they are not compatible ( iguess u need to upgrade to new firmware)..any idea where other interesting apps and games are available?
Most you'll find in the App store is worthless anyway. Being jailbroken and having Cydia is going to provide you with much more and greater apps than you'd ever find approved by Apple.
Most you'll find in the App store is worthless anyway. Being jailbroken and having Cydia is going to provide you with much more and greater apps than you'd ever find approved by Apple.

Actually the only things I miss about the JB apps are themes, emulators and the vid recorder. I was early on the bandwagon with JBing and truth be told I haven't had a JBen phone for half a year or so. My flip camera solves my vid recording needs and provieds better quality. The AppStore fills most of my needs. I def don't miss the tiny lag I would get every time I launched any app because of the extra processes running.

Probably the app I miss the most is Categories. I may JB again just to get it.
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