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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2016
I have a MacPro and a rented CloudLinux dedicated server with +20 domains. My question is, is it wise to replace CloudLinux with the OSX Server app?

My reasons

  • Using MacPro more logically. She is wasting as an in-office server.
  • I want to own my own dedicated server, not a rented one.
  • OSX Server's built-in services like calendar, contacts, time machine, XCode.
  • This choise will reduce my costs to ~%50.
  • If I want to rent a dedicated linux server as powerful as my MacPro, I will need to pay ~3 times more than I pay now.
  • I'm used to use OSX rather than Linux
My unrest points

  • Linking osx server with non-native servers/services like MySQL is hard and complicated as I know.
  • You cannot find help/resource about osx server easily when you need.
  • I tried OSX Server once, ~3 years ago
  • I love using MacPro in office :D
  • We're using MAMP for development, and we like it. (Wow. I think MAMP is my 3rd option :) )
  • Security/Reliability etc.
Services/Applications/Servers I generally use

  • mySQL (Generally)
  • PostgreSQL (not likely)
  • Wordpress (not likely)
  • IMAP/POP3 (I know OSX Server has these but I suffered trying to setup when I tried long ago)
  • Composer and some more PHP stuff (I cannot remember now)
  • XMPP (will use in 6 months) (Can I use OSX Server's Messages service)
  • VOIP (will use in 1 year)
  • We may create JAVA based Web Apps
  • Git (may create as replacement of BitBucket for office use)
These are all I come up with for now. Thanks for help.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2004
Cape Cod
As a long time Linux admin and an OS X server user, I'd recommend you stay with Linux. LAMP is much simpler and more straightforward.

By all means play around with OS X Server - it's fun. The worst that can happen is that you might learn some stuff.
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