I am a recent switcher and am still getting my head around this UNIX malarkey and need some help.
I am doing some web development and I want to modify my .htaccess file which is hidden by default. I have a script to show hidden files
I was wondering if I could save that as an Applescript or something and just double click the file so it would run that. In Windows I would run a *.bat file that would run the code inside it. Is there a OS X alternative?
I am doing some web development and I want to modify my .htaccess file which is hidden by default. I have a script to show hidden files
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
I was wondering if I could save that as an Applescript or something and just double click the file so it would run that. In Windows I would run a *.bat file that would run the code inside it. Is there a OS X alternative?