The last one got wastelanded because they havent arrived yet. When you get yours post a thread about it. If it isnt here yet, wait
Well he kinda said post your widescreen TV setups...
so when is everyone gonna get their TV"S
Well I went and bought one, after canceling my order because of HDTV problem. As soon as I found out it had 480i, went to the local Apple Store and picked on up. The set up here is with it outside of the "case" were it will go, only because I was so eager to start it up, and now its downloading my iTunes from my Mac Mini.
There not great pictures, but heck its an AppleTV
Yes, although it is heavier than I expected. I forgot it has that hard drive in there, and was thinking it was going to be like those A/V components that are boxes full of circuitry and empty its actually really thin isn't it.
The Apple Remote, on the other hand, weighs so little it could probably float in mid-air.
So you don't necessarily need a widescreen HD TV, just a TV with component inputs?
I'll take those picture tomorrow...I'll set my alarm to get up early for it.
OK, sweet, thanks man.
Sry, so far my AppleTV is still downloading things from my Mac, and it has been all day and night. I'll post them as soon as they are on it.