I have a playlist with over 300 songs in it that I use for the gym. I always play it on shuffle and the same 25 or so songs always come up when skipping ahead. It's annoying and been like this for a while. There are songs that are NEVER selected to play. I am not sure this specific to iOS11.
Does anyone else notice this? I tried looking for some type of shuffle selection criteria in settings and there isn't any. My guess is that shuffle in my case is working off of most frequently played, which is misleading because since these tunes always get selected they get a played count even though I skip ahead.
Does anyone else notice this? I tried looking for some type of shuffle selection criteria in settings and there isn't any. My guess is that shuffle in my case is working off of most frequently played, which is misleading because since these tunes always get selected they get a played count even though I skip ahead.