My PowerBook G4's hard disk is beyond repair (DiskWarrior won't fix the directory) won't boot. I talked with the Apple Store who kept it overnight running Diskwarrior, and they say that a program like Data Rescue X might be able to (but no guarantees) rescue the data.
Given I'm a poor, struggling student, I don't have 85.00 to throw around at will. Can anyone recommend anything to me...or help me out? I am willing to paypal
Anything you can do to help me would be incredibly awesome, EVERY part of my life from essays to my thesis was on that drive.
Given I'm a poor, struggling student, I don't have 85.00 to throw around at will. Can anyone recommend anything to me...or help me out? I am willing to paypal
Anything you can do to help me would be incredibly awesome, EVERY part of my life from essays to my thesis was on that drive.