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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
Hello, I made a clean install some weeks ago, and since then I am having an issue with the sidebar icons. They don't look as they should. Only the official folders I mean, check:


Any idea how to fix this? I created a new account and everything looks normal there. That's strange.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
Try adding them via Finder preferences instead.

Yes, I forgot to write that I tried everything I knew, inclouding simple things like that, or clean icon cache etc.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
Fixed!!! Lol, yeah, strange, I should have thought it earlier!

When I was doing the clean install I chose as Home Folder name "X", but named "x" after all, yeah weirdo_O. And at first, the folder inside looked as general folders and the Home Folder didn't have the Home Icon. So, I changed info from Syst Pref--> Users&Groups --> Ctrl+Click to my account and I changed the Home Directory from "/Users/X" to "/Users/x", restart and... tan tan!:p

But I don't like the lowercase of x and you can't just change the home folder name. So I change the Home Directory to another name ("TV"), made a restart, I logged in with my usual Account and it was like it was a fresh one, but when I went to "/Users" I could see the new Home Folder name and the old one ("x") and because I am the damn admin I could change the name of the old Home Folder name to whatever I want. I did the same thing to change the Home Directory back to X instead of x and made a restart and everything look normal again. I deleted TV folder of course.


I had some weird little problems sometimes when apps like iCloud couldn't detect my home folder....cause I didn't have one lol:D #thuglife But everything else was running normally. (apps and things). I learned something today. :p

So is SUPER easy to change your Home Folder name! All you have to do is 2 restarts, change 2 times you Home Directory and one time the Home Folder name when you're not run your os in this one.
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