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Do you have bugs/anomalies with the Sidecar?

  • Yes, I notice some bugs but still use the Sidecar.

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Yes, I notice some bugs so I can not use the Sidecar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, Sidecar works perfect for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Hello all! I started using Sidecar solution and I noticed lots of bugs, hence I decided to open this thread to see your opinions and possible workarounds.

I am using a MBP 14" 2021 M1 Pro, and this week I also purchased an iPad 9.
There is already an external monitor connected to my MBP via a HDMI cable. And I set my iPad with the Sidecar, as a 3rd display.

When I use wired connection between MBP and iPad;
  • When I try to change a settings in the Sidecar options (e.g. Show Touch Bar), the Sidecar freezes in a blurry visual. At the same time MBP starts sillying as well: Internet connection stops, Screen Settings do not open, Sidecar can not be stopped or restarted etc.
  • When I stop Sidecar and to try starting it again, it does not do this. It just starts freezing and there exists no respond. At the same time, MBP acts like stupid as well. Settings do not open, internet connection goes down etc.
When I use wireless connection between MBP and iPad;
  • Mouse movements on the iPad seems laggy, like a game with 400ms ping.
  • When I try to close and restart the Sidecar, it freezes again like it does in the wired connection. There exists a gray blank screen on the iPad. And there is no way to do anything on the MBP as well. I always end up restarting the computer, but even this solution gets really buggy
  • There also exists some freezing on the iPad but I can not determine when and why it freezes. It appears anytime, Sidecar freezes and I can not even deactivate it on the MBP. When I, as always, try to restart the Sidecar on the MBP, it starts sillying as well.

Is there anyone experiences the same behavior?
I am really shocked why Apple has released this software with all these huge bugs.

And additionally, if there is any workaround that you can provide me with, please share below. I would appreciate this!
Thanks in advance!


macrumors newbie
Jun 11, 2020
I just saw this thread. I have a 14 MBP and 11 M1 iPad Pro.

While I don't have the extreme experience that you have had for me Sidecar via wireless is laggy and often freezes. Wired via USB-C to iPad works without problem. However sometimes it seems that even using USB-C the connection gets lost and reverts to wireless and then I experience freezing etc. So I have to go and check in the Finder whether the iPad is actually connected or not.

Some other observations
- Thunderbolt 3 cable does not work (I have the Apple One). It only works with a standard USB-C
- You need to make sure the iPad is really connected to the Mac and is a trusted device otherwise it'll use wireless
- I use an LG 5K Ultrafine along with iPad via Sidecar wired and it works fine so for me the external monitor has no affect.
- Sidecar worked flawlessly in Big Sur but with Monterey it's been laggy and very buggy.

Hope this helps.
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