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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2017
Could make a book out of all the console error messages (erros and failures). No fun reading.
most common fatal failures i suspect are the sandbox errors core issues like coreaudio, some internet related stuff, contacts. Mostly the system runs oke, but on video playback (public streams, also youtube) the party begins. I did all the ussual noob handling (safe mode, pram, cache emptying, re install, clean install) but i suspect i need to get into the comandline to really fix things. I've seen some wild fixes by people, but i dont really want to go there. time?
So i'm just curious if there are other folks out there waiting for the big bugfix update sys. and or enlighten me any other way. not since sys 7, 8 or 9 have i rebooted so many times. And i did skip el capitan!
I don't have solution for you, I'd just like to share with you that I had some brutal hard freezes (audio would play but everything else just froze indefinitely) on ElCap 10.11.6 and Sierra 10.12.0-10.12.1 and only installing 10.12.2 beta fixed it completely. MacOS is highly idiosyncratic :( if you have a big stability issue like this, you don't really have nothing to lose by installing a beta. Try that, it MAY help.
Thanks, If only i could, but it looks like the beta is only available to previous beta users.
Oke thanks, doing that right now. Its running on the latest beta now. So we'll see what happens.
Got my mbp mid2010 so it's getting older, but this is by far the worst OS I've had on it. Almost forcing me to get a new one, it's that bad. Constant beachballs and freezes. Remember when this thing was light and snappy. :(
im having a go with a mid 2011 macmini. running 10.12.3 beta.
so far a only few freezes today. But its way to soon to throw these machines out.

i am going to check out Yosemite for another machine mid 2010 mini.
I have had some system freezes too on my iMac 27", but they were already present in El Cap. They were difficult to diagnose, since the console didn't give much relevant information. But disabling WebGL in Safari fixed the issue for me. Mac hasn't crashed since.

WebGL is in the "Security" tab in Safari preferences.
Thanks for that. i found some interesting reading about this from the El Cap times, the way they discribe the freezes sure looks like the ones i see. like here

Didnt see this webgl feature mentioned recently though in combination with os sierra. I disabled webgl in both safari and firefox. so, see what happens.


Exactly the article that pointed me to disable WebGL in the first place.

Hope it works :)
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