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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 23, 2006
ok so i set my energy options to..

put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for - 10mins
put the display to sleep when the computer is inactive for - 5 mins

then i checked OFF automatically reduce the brightness of the display before the display sleep

i do this so when im reading i dont have the display automatically reduce the brightness...i like the glowy beautiful bright light until my 5 mins are up and the display goes to sleep

but the computer is not listening to me!!! after turning on the computer and i dont touch still manages to tone down its brightness despite me checking off *automatically reduce the brightness of the display before the display sleep*

but when i uncheck it, then check it, then uncheck listens to me....wth is going on?

anybody else having this problem??
oo and also this is when i have the computer plugged and charging.
I could be wrong if I have interpreted your second post incorrectly. Do you mean you only have the problem when you plug it in? Because when you create your own Energy savings setting it moves you to the custom setting. But when you then plug the computer in, it goes to a different setting. So you would have to go create the same energy savings rules for battery and for when it is plugged in. I hope that helps.
for both plugged or not plugged options...its set so i dont habve ny kind of automatic reduce brightness. there all checked of...ill rather have the display go to sleep instead. so yea...right now im talking about when i have the computer charging and yea its custom cuz i choose my preferred options.

so any ideas?
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