I have Signal on my iPhone. I can send messages and make outgoing calls. The call quality for calls is good.
When receiving a message I get a notification sound. However, the phone does not ring or make any other sound when someone is calling me on Signal.
I don't find anything in the Signal or iOS settings that could be the reason for Signal not to ring. Notifications are enabled directly in the Signal preferences and twice in the iOS preferences (in Notifications and in Signal).
Does anybody have tips how I could fix this?
Thanks - desertman
When receiving a message I get a notification sound. However, the phone does not ring or make any other sound when someone is calling me on Signal.
I don't find anything in the Signal or iOS settings that could be the reason for Signal not to ring. Notifications are enabled directly in the Signal preferences and twice in the iOS preferences (in Notifications and in Signal).
Does anybody have tips how I could fix this?
Thanks - desertman