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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
Hello! Occasionally my iPhone will turn itself onto silent mode and then back on to "normal volume" mode. Also, when I sometimes press the top left of the screen, it will act as if I've activated the silence switch. I've turned the phone on and off a couple of times - and done a restore through iTunes - and the problem still happens sometimes.

It's a tad annoying.

Has anyone else had this problem, and can anyone recommend a solution?
Okay. Made an appointment. Knowing my luck, the phone will be working fine by the time I get there!
If you have any sort of video recording capabilities, take a quick video of the defects and take it with you as evidence just in case.

I've had that happen and I know how frustrating it can be.
It's fixed itself now - so I've cancelled the appointment - and now there are no more spaces until Tuesday! So... if it happens again, I will take video evidence (thanks Lostprophet) and go and see them again.

Do you think they'll replace the phone. Of course it begs the question - shall I just wait until next month/July?
I had my first phone replaced for this reason. I couldn't get the phone to do it at the store, but I explained it to them and they said another guy was in earlier the same week for that problem. So they replaced it.
I had a wonky silent mode switch on my iPhone, and they just replaced the whole phone at the Genius Bar :)
Just thought I'd update the story and say that the Genius Bar was very friendly tonight - and gave me a new phone (and by new I mean refurbished). It's all set up and working perfectly now (after a few niggles with mobileme!)
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