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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2002
I have a Drobo to which I backup five drives using SuperDuper as sparsebundles. I also regularly compact the sparsebundles using a simple Applescript that looks like this:

do shell script "hdiutil compact /Volumes/Drobo/'Drive 1.sparsebundle'"

do shell script "hdiutil compact /Volumes/Drobo/'Drive 2.sparsebundle'"


However, I'd rather use grep/wildcards to compact EVERY sparsebundle on my Drobo, as I sometimes temporarily backup client drives to the Drobo as well. When I do "hdiutil compact /Volumes/Drobo/*.sparsebundle," the compact fails, as the terminal is trying to compact all of them simultaneously (which makes sense).

My question: Is it possible to write a single terminal command that sequentially compacts all sparsebundles on a drive?
My question: Is it possible to write a single terminal command that sequentially compacts all sparsebundles on a drive?


Oh, so you wanted a hint rather than the direct question answered? A combination if ls, xargs and your hdiutil command should do it.
Thanks, Robbie, for the clue--but I'll take the full answer if you got it! :)
Thanks, Robbie, for the clue--but I'll take the full answer if you got it! :)

Well as I don't have a similar environment to test your code in this is just typed straight into the reply box: it might well not work.

ls -1 /Volumes/Drobo/*.sparsebundle | xargs -IREP hdiutil compact /Volumes/Drobo/REP
And this might work, too:

set bundleList to list files of "/Volumes/Drobo/"

repeat with bl in bundleList
	do shell script "hdiutil compact /Volumes/Drobo/" & (quoted form of (bl as string))
end repeat

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