Hey guys I am trying to run a script so that one of my programs will run automatically and then hide right away. The problem is, is that when the program is first booted up in order for it to work properly it needs basicaly a human interaction to hit the "OK" button. I thought I had it correct but it keeps telling me Syntax error. can Some one help me on this? I have it so that it will start and hide right away just I need help programming how to have it "click ok" This is what I have in apple script so far. Thanks for any help in advance
tell application "BackupManager" to activate
tell application "BackupManager" to activate
delay 5
tell process "AhsayOBM"
click button "OK" of window "Ahsay Online Backup Manager Logon"
delay 3
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "AhsayOBM" to false
end tell
tell application "BackupManager" to activate
tell application "BackupManager" to activate
delay 5
tell process "AhsayOBM"
click button "OK" of window "Ahsay Online Backup Manager Logon"
delay 3
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "AhsayOBM" to false
end tell