Hi, I have been pouring through threads on DVD ripping, and am thoroughly confused.
My goals: I want to take my roughly 300 or so DVD's and rip them onto a HD for easy access. I have an Apple TV2 so having the DVD's accessible through iTunes is a must. I would like everything to work as seamlessly as possible. It would be nice to get movies onto my iPod as well.
Input needed on the following:
1. It looks like there are many programs available, but Handbrake seems to be the easiest to use, can do everything, rather than having to use another program, and is free.
2. organizing DVD's. Is this easy? Is it as simple as naming files?
3. Watching DVD's on iTunes. Is it possible to just plug in my external HD and watch the DVD's? Or do I have to move the movie I which to watch over to my internal HD to have it work. How does iTunes interact with files on an external HD.
Eventually I want a Mac Mini to use mostly as a sort of HTPC, but first must settle for a good external HD (suggestions being taken) to use with my Macbook Pro (2.53 Core 2 duo 4GB)
I am sure this is covered in many threads, and I have read many, but am having a difficult time figuring out simple instructions to get this done.
Thanks for the help.
My goals: I want to take my roughly 300 or so DVD's and rip them onto a HD for easy access. I have an Apple TV2 so having the DVD's accessible through iTunes is a must. I would like everything to work as seamlessly as possible. It would be nice to get movies onto my iPod as well.
Input needed on the following:
1. It looks like there are many programs available, but Handbrake seems to be the easiest to use, can do everything, rather than having to use another program, and is free.
2. organizing DVD's. Is this easy? Is it as simple as naming files?
3. Watching DVD's on iTunes. Is it possible to just plug in my external HD and watch the DVD's? Or do I have to move the movie I which to watch over to my internal HD to have it work. How does iTunes interact with files on an external HD.
Eventually I want a Mac Mini to use mostly as a sort of HTPC, but first must settle for a good external HD (suggestions being taken) to use with my Macbook Pro (2.53 Core 2 duo 4GB)
I am sure this is covered in many threads, and I have read many, but am having a difficult time figuring out simple instructions to get this done.
Thanks for the help.