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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 6, 2004
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this board, but I look forward to reading what everyone has to say about all things Mac.

In the meantime, I have a question: does anybody have any good recommendations for some sort of simple application for OS X that you can set to remind you of something? I'm looking for some sort of application that will pop up every couple of days or so with a reminder that I need to backup my files.

Does iCal do this?


you could configure iCal to do this for you, just set the event for every three days or whatever.....
PlaceofDis said:
you could configure iCal to do this for you, just set the event for every three days or whatever.....
You might then want to go into System Preferences (under the apple menu) -> Accounts -> [your account] -> Startup Items and select iCal for startup each time you log in (otherwise you'll keep forgetting to start it).
I just manually back up all my files to an external hard drive--nothing too fancy going on here.

Thanks for the suggestions about iCal...I just tried creating an event, setting it to recur daily at midnight...presumably, iCal will have some sort of window pop up at midnight tonight to remind me to backup, right? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

(Oh, and iCalAlarmScheduler was already setup to open on startup, although the 'Hide' checkbox was ticked. I'm assuming this is correct?)
Okay, I just ran a test and that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the help, everyone! Much obliged, much obliged...
You don't need to have iCal open at startup.

iCalAlarmScheduler will give pop-ups and/or a noise when an alert happens. You cans et weather an alert for a certain event happens in iCal, by opening the sidebar for the main window (i'm not sure what it is called).

And don't worry about it being hidden, the alerts still show, un-hide it if you want.

You can put any app in the startup items, and it will start up, all that hide does it makes it not show until you click it's dock icon. Things like dialoges still show.

Also, if you're computer is off, or you are not logged in, or you are in sleep mode, the alert will pop up as quick as it can when your system gets back to normal (I mean woken up, turned on, or logged in).
You can also set iCal to open a file. This way, you could open a terminal script or apple script that will start the backup.
crenz said:
You can also set iCal to open a file. This way, you could open a terminal script or apple script that will start the backup.

Or just use cron to start a shell script. If all you do is copy from one drive to another, this would be very easy to write a script for.
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