The only places there isn't a horizontal keyboard already are in Phone and Notes. You can just tilt the iPhone for one everywhere else.
The only places there isn't a horizontal keyboard already are in Phone and Notes. You can just tilt the iPhone for one everywhere else.
It may be easier to say that the only place there IS a horizontal keyboard is in Safari...
I love posting messages on the net in horizontal mode. I wanna do that when texting! Damn you Apple!!
I also like the horizontal keyboard 'cos the keys are bigger and easier to press/type-on.
This can be a problem but otherwise I really like the horizontal keyboard.The horizontal keyboard only allows a small window above to see what you are typing. While I agree it is easier to type with it is very awkward trying see what you have written.
The horizontal keyboard only allows a small window above to see what you are typing. While I agree it is easier to type with it is very awkward trying see what you have written.
Typing this from my iPhone I can say that I have enough room to see what I'm typing. All you really need to see is one line at a time. I can see four. So it's good enough. Plus after you're done typing you can push done to see and go over everything you just typed. It'd be really perfect if they didn't zoom the text in so much and left the size as big as when you just double click an area. Get on your iPhone and post a reply and you'll see what I mean. How when you click "done" then double click on the text and the page and text zooms out. That's the size I mean.
Damn I love this keybored. Please guys, hook us up!!!
You'll only get it on apps made by developers, you won't get it in SMS unless Apple puts it in!
Both keyboard modes are horizontalIm assuming you mean the "long" keyboard?