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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Can the Siri beta run on the iPad 2?

I ask because it has the same A5 processor as the iPhone 4S, so it would seem to make some sense that it will run on the iPad 2.

Anyone know for sure?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001

Not yet. Apple hasn't said if they ever will support it on iPad 2.



macrumors member
Sep 29, 2011
Would love to know this answer too. Have been wondering the same thing. Updating my iPhone now, iPad 2 next. Will see if I can figure it out.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008

Not yet. Apple hasn't said if they ever will support it on iPad 2.


Oh well, maybe eventually. Thanks for the reply!

Siri looks awesome. The best thing for me will be to ask Siri to "set an alarm in 45 minutes" and this sort of thing. Then I will never over water the garden and flood the back yard, and I'll be able to pick up my kid from music lessons and stuff like that.

I use iCal a lot, with push reminders, but I want reminders for the pickup time also so I can be on time for pickups.

Also, was wondering how extensive you can get Siri to use the Wolfram Alpha thing. I would like to pose some stock market stock picking questions to Siri haha! Or get it to find good values or arbitrage for me or something powerful like that. Haha!

I want Siri to be like Watson - maybe Apple should buy IBM.

AI is the future baby!


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
LOL! Apple has a lot of cash, but not quite that much...

Aha, sounds right. Well, I guess Apple should pay IBM a ton of dough or make some alliance to get in on Watson. Certainly worth the electrical bill to keep Watson running 24/7 in the cloud for all of us to enjoy!

That Watson thing on Jeopardy blew my mind. It would be wonderful if everyone had access to a cloud based "Watson" through Siri eh? I think this is what's going to happen. It's the new "search". But I'm just excited to talk to my computer I guess. Over the years I have tried many things. S.A.M from like 1980, and IBM ViaVoice, and Dragon, and that other new one that really works well (forgot it's name). I just know that Apple has a chance to make these things really work like they need to in order to be truly useful.
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