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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 2, 2012
Rochester, NY
I have been having issues on my iPhone 7 with Siri not being able to connect while on cellular/LTE. This has been happening ever since iOS 13 betas and has continued with the GM. Siri will tell me to wait and then eventually time out by saying " I am having trouble with the connection". I have done a full reset and restore with no improvement. Anyone else?
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macrumors member
Jul 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
YES!! YES!! YES!! Its not just me I have had problems with Siri on my iPhone Xs Max, for at least the last 36 hours. I am on a LTE/cellular connection. I did not test the beta but since at least the last 36 hours. I am on iOS 13.1.2. Siri does the exact same thing for me as well. I have asked her to shuffle my playlist and she says the same exact thing. She says, after I ask her, that she is working on that and it will be just a moment and then she says she having trouble with the connection. However I have a strong signal with full bars and can use a browser with no problem.
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