Suddenly I have the same issue, Siri and Contacts drain almost all of my battery.
When the
only change you made, is iOS update and there are no new apps installed and the use pattern remains the same it's obvious that when someone like me was having almost 2 full days usage of phone but now it goes to 10 hours the most, something has changed dramatically.
And the only parameter changed is the
The percentage that I have reaches around 45% to Siri and another 40-45% to Contacts.
In contacts is more obvious to see the malfunction.
When I look the file/card of any of the names stored, I see the icons on top ("call", "message", "Viber" etc) to turn blue/grey continuously. Obviously the phone tries to identify over and over again the links that the person has with other apps (Viber, iMessage, etc)
This behaviour is obviously software issue and the overload of our batteries creates a hardware issue too (to battery). Maybe to ask a
free battery replacement is certainly not bad idea, as the 85-90% usage that I have is only from this behaviour!
I have this problem for a month now and due to the quarantine I could charge with no issues but when I will be back on the street this would be a real problem!
I have just start to try fix the problem with few suggestions I read. Will see. If I make it I will update my comment accordingly!
1st attempt. Resetting settlings. 3,5 hours later I've lost 30% of the battery (from 100> 70%)
2st attempt I went to contacts (in settings) and close all the Siri options I found there. After 2 days of use the problem seems that solved! I started this morning with 90% and now (19:00) with my normal use I have 63%!!
For me case is closed, I don't really care about Siri in contacts and I will check in a future iOS update if the problem is solved by opening again the access of Siri to contacts.
I hope this will help others too...
Look at the 10 day usage for accuracy and overall comparisons. Siri's actual impact on battery is more apparent that way....
View attachment 898880
I use Siri voice controls A LOT plus all my apps especially the 4 apps above are leveraging Siri's intent frameworks very heavily.
97% usage of an hour isn't a useful metric if your total usage was 1% battery consumption.
Skynet err I mean Siri can not be "shut down" now that its become self aware. Siri is an integral system service in iOS. Spotlight Search is now Siri functionality and all the predictive based frameworks in UIKit (intents), CallKit (phone and contacts which your high usage of contacts is why Siri is used so much), and much more all fall under "Siri". Even the small stuff like the order contacts are in when you use the Share function in every app are Siri based.
If you want to mitigate usage as much as possible goto Settings > Siri & Seach, turn off all the toggles (including Hey Siri), go through every single app and turn off at least "Learn from this App" and "Show Siri suggestions" in apps that have that option. Avoid using Maps, Phone, Contacts (anything using CallKit). The hit to user experience isn't worth it for me but to each their own.