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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 2, 2007
I do not think it does, but can anyone clear this up- can Siri interface with a third party app, like say a banking app?

So you could say, "tell me my main checking account balance," or "Send 50 dollars to Steve johnson through paypal"

Those are just examples, I would not use it for those things.
I do not think it does, but can anyone clear this up- can Siri interface with a third party app, like say a banking app?

So you could say, "tell me my main checking account balance," or "Send 50 dollars to Steve johnson through paypal"

Those are just examples, I would not use it for those things.

It does not. And it never would for things like that.
I am sure that they will create an API for third-party apps to integrate Siri soon enough. I am looking forward to being able to get driving directions from Siri using Navigon instead of Maps.
I am sure that they will create an API for third-party apps to integrate Siri soon enough. I am looking forward to being able to get driving directions from Siri using Navigon instead of Maps.

I agree- I think ti would be awesome to have Siri identify why apps you have for things and allow you to define what app does what- just like you said- "Get me directions to the Staples Center" and have siri pull up navigon at start navigating. That would be perfect!
Yea this will certainly be coming once Siri is out of beta. There will be another gold rush for app developers selling "Siri enabled" apps to users - and they'll sell like hotcakes I bet.


It does not. And it never would for things like that.

I wouldn't say never - but I think I see your point - security. You wouldn't want anyone to just be able to grab your phone, activate Siri and get access to your checking account. What Apple will have to implement is a switch (per app) that notifies Siri if it needs security enabled. Apple started working on the perfect security for this situation back in OS9 - VoicePrint.

For example, to access my iPod Siri will accept commands from any voice, so I can tell my buddy to change the music and Siri will listen to him. But other apps would use VoicePrint, where Siri would only recognize my voice to retrieve information. It would run all the time, so even if I initiated the action with Siri and someone else tried to say another banking related command, Siri would notice the voice had changed and lockout the wrong user.
this has been my complaint of Siri. I was pretty disappointed when I got the 4S because I assumed it would work with 3rd party apps.

Im thinking when they will open it up in iOS 6. That will be one of the "magical" new features.
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