I did a forum search but didn't turn anything up, but what on earth do you say to Siri now to have her play all the music on your iPhone, but shuffled?
I used to be able to "play all music shuffled" or "shuffle music" and that would happen, now she responds with "turning shuffle on", which not only doesn't start playback, but also remains wherever it was (either in an album, or playlist).
I've tried different combinations of "play all of the music on my phone, shuffled" and "play all music", then separately "shuffle music".
I've also tried telling it the specific playlist, which it has a hard time with because my playlist is called "iPhone", so saying "play the playlist called iPhone shuffled", and she doesn't seem to get that, or at best, only starts playing that playlist, but in order.
I used to be able to "play all music shuffled" or "shuffle music" and that would happen, now she responds with "turning shuffle on", which not only doesn't start playback, but also remains wherever it was (either in an album, or playlist).
I've tried different combinations of "play all of the music on my phone, shuffled" and "play all music", then separately "shuffle music".
I've also tried telling it the specific playlist, which it has a hard time with because my playlist is called "iPhone", so saying "play the playlist called iPhone shuffled", and she doesn't seem to get that, or at best, only starts playing that playlist, but in order.