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macrumors 603
Original poster
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
I've noticed that Siri got more human like articulation and verbal traits after the pubic release of iOS10. I had the gold master but after iOS 10 went live, Apple must have updated Siri to its next generation voice synthesis.

For example, she sometimes laughs or giggles. She did it before but now it doesn't sound like uncanny valley. It really does sound humanlike. Her "oh" isn't a literal read of "oh", more like an actual human expression of surprise.

Try this:
"Hey Siri, laugh"

... She actually laughs! Even though the screen reads "ha, ha", her laugh has a very human like breath to it.

If you keep repeating "laugh", she'll eventually say:

"I'm glad you think it's funny" with an intonation of laughter in her voice. This one blew my mind!

Anybody notice these traits?
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Don't know if its worth to make it more human. Imagine if we fall in love, like in movie Her (2013)?

Siri has an annoying voice. I use the British one. Less natural compared to American but more pleasant.
My Siri just says "LOL" or "Do I make you laugh?"

Maybe it's because I'm using the British voice?
You can explicitly have it say haha. Similar effect.
It was reported a couple months ago that Siri Voice would be moving to a machine learning system. That's probably what's in play.
Yes it's definitely more natural. My wife uses the Australian male voice and it's much smoother too.
IMG_2109.PNG IMG_2110.PNG

My results. I use the British woman's voice too, because I'm a bit of an Anglophile.
If you think that I'm just imagining this, change the voice to British or Australian. They have not been updated to this generation and sound far more robotic. The difference is quite stark!
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Just installed macOS Sierra and the difference is like night and day! The old Siri is still being used on macOS and it's terrible now that I've gotten used to the more human like Siri in iOS10.

EDIT: A day later, the voices updated. Siri now sounds just as natural as she/he does on iOS10.
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