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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 15, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can tell me:

a) how to configure the sources/topics of news in Siri Suggestions. b) how to enabled 'nearby' in Siri suggestions.
A: You can't change the news source in the proactive screen. It's a new feature so there's no doubt it will get expanded on in later updates or iOS 10.

B: Nearby worked in most countries all summer during the beta process. But Apple changed that when they released 9.0 GM on September 9th. It's now US and China only for some strange reason. I'm sure it will get expanded back out to more countries at a later date.
A: You can't change the news source in the proactive screen. It's a new feature so there's no doubt it will get expanded on in later updates or iOS 10.

B: Nearby worked in most countries all summer during the beta process. But Apple changed that when they released 9.0 GM on September 9th. It's now US and China only for some strange reason. I'm sure it will get expanded back out to more countries at a later date.

Amazing, thanks for the detailed reply.
One last question, with regard to the news in the proactive screen, it's just random articles on UK politics for me. In the US does this build on the "Apple news" app for sources? It's seem really arbitrary.

I guess "proactive Siri" without a configurable news feed, or nearby, is effectively just a latest apps/contacts screen with arbitrary news articles! (Minus the home screen suggestion when you plug in headphones!) - not as cool as I'd thought, unless I'm missing something.
Amazing, thanks for the detailed reply.
One last question, with regard to the news in the proactive screen, it's just random articles on UK politics for me. In the US does this build on the "Apple news" app for sources? It's seem really arbitrary.

I guess "proactive Siri" without a configurable news feed, or nearby, is effectively just a latest apps/contacts screen with arbitrary news articles! (Minus the home screen suggestion when you plug in headphones!) - not as cool as I'd thought, unless I'm missing something.

Mah, even with access to the News app it doesn't change what articles get populated on the proactive screen. The proactive screen news for now is purely based on location. On mine it's all general Canadian news with a mix of western Canada specific news (I'm in the west.)

Pretty much yes but the apps and contacts are still a bit more than just recently used/talked to. They will change and move around based on time and day you normally use or talk to someone. (Say if I talk to someone mostly on a Friday. They may show up as one of the 4 shown but on Friday will bump up from like the fourth icon to first, or even not shown and bump up to first.)

From what I've gather from using beta all summer, is that it pretty much goes off of times and days you used things the previous week. So if I used whatever app last Tuesday around 4, next Tuesday it will suggest it. If I traveled to a small town outside the city last Saturday, next Saturday it will show me estimated drive time just under the weather in the Notification Center pull down.
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