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Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Sony's got a new sensor. 12MP and capable of 10.5 fps.

The only questions I have are about the noise on a beast that small. I am sitting on the fence for my own system. Don't know whether I want to go Canon Mark III or the hopefully soon to be announced Nikon D3h and D3x a few months afterwards.

The history behind Sony and Nikon sharing sensors is that they usually build their bodies for them until they are finished with testing, then drop them into whichever camera they will use. The D2x sensor was supposed to be used in the D1x but it wasn't anywhere near finished. That would have given Nikon the upper hand on the Canon 1Ds Mark I almost six years ago, but such is history.

I shot Nikon at my job, and own a D200. I am looking for real pro gear hence the decision between the Mark III and D3. If Nikon doesn't goof like they did with the D1x D2h and F5 I will gladly pick up a D3 and buy a bunch of my jobs used lenses and bodies off of them. If I go Canon, then I will have to grab a Mark III and do a couple of jobs to afford the L series glass and some Metz flashes.

I really hate this back and forth with Nikon, how I miss film. :D


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Nobody knows. I would wait. However, I doubt this sensor will make it into the D300 or whatever succeeds the D200. Sony may have announced this sensor, but does that mean it'll be found in a camera released within the next 3 months? I don't think so.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Just curious how you believe Nikon messed up the d1x other than this after-the-fact thought that the d2x sensor should have been in a camera made ages before the d2x. I don't know that I understand the logic in people believing something was wrong with the old after something new came out.

When I turn 40 I hope no one thinks I f'ed up my 30's. Random I know, but I deal with "after the fact" thinking all day so I'm touchy. :)

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Nobody knows. I would wait. However, I doubt this sensor will make it into the D300 or whatever succeeds the D200. Sony may have announced this sensor, but does that mean it'll be found in a camera released within the next 3 months? I don't think so.

It has happened before. The D200 got the 10MP sensor that Sony announced only months prior, but I am interested in a D3h, not the D300 which is still about a year or so off. I am going to wait for the D3h to become available before I sorta jump ship to Canon. I would like if Canon fixed the AF problems with the Mark III as well, and Nikon solve any noise problems that this new high-speed CMOS from Sony may have.

But I have a strong feeling that this sensor may end up in the D3h and possible the Pro version of the Sony Alpha.

Just curious how you believe Nikon messed up the d1x other than this after-the-fact thought that the d2x sensor should have been in a camera made ages before the d2x. I don't know that I understand the logic in people believing something was wrong with the old after something new came out.

When I turn 40 I hope no one thinks I f'ed up my 30's. Random I know, but I deal with "after the fact" thinking all day so I'm touchy. :)

Don't we all feel that we f'ed up some part of our lives after we think about it after the fact.

As for the D1x... hold it and the F5 in your hand at the same time. Disclaimer: Just incase someone thinks I am praising the F5 now, I meant in build and handling, the F5 still had a few problems that I couldn't get over. The D1x didn't last long enough battery wise, the plastic flap was no good, nor did it have a big enough buffer for photojournalists on hard fast assignments (it along with the D1, and D1h were the standard). I loved the camera even with its faults, and it still felt better in most shooter's hands than some Canon and Olympus bodies.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
The successor to the D300 is coming very very soon, not one year. ;)

The last time I checked Nikon updated their bodies faster than they introduced new models. Maybe you're waiting for a D200s or D200x but there won't be a D300 anytime soon. The camera is just now making it to 2 years old, and it still holds it's own against the 40D and 5D. If Nikon does replace it soon then it would be totally against Nikon's usual replacement path. I say D200s, not D300.

Besides... who's to say when they will be coming or not. If the D200 is coming very very soon then when is my possible D3h coming? :D
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