A friend was showing me a PC he was interested in. It's some kind of clone that has the option to use six monitors at once as an extended desktop. So I asked them why do you need such a large desktop on six displays? Couldn't you just hook your Mac up to a 52" or larger display?
I'm not so sure I understand the point of being able to extend the desktop across six displays as being something useful. So after looking at this PC I was asking myself questions like; why would you want to buy this it costs $2,300.00 - $2,500.00 and it's a PC, couldn't you go get something like a Mac Pro and do the same thing?
So has anyone done this on a PC or a Mac? Why do you need to do something like this? Why would you buy (stomach is in knots at this thought) a PC instead of a Mac especially for graphics pushing six displays?
I'm not so sure I understand the point of being able to extend the desktop across six displays as being something useful. So after looking at this PC I was asking myself questions like; why would you want to buy this it costs $2,300.00 - $2,500.00 and it's a PC, couldn't you go get something like a Mac Pro and do the same thing?
So has anyone done this on a PC or a Mac? Why do you need to do something like this? Why would you buy (stomach is in knots at this thought) a PC instead of a Mac especially for graphics pushing six displays?