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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

Is anyone aware of a nice iPhone interface to the sky+ remote record service here in the UK?

I can just about set up a remote record through the standard web site but it's pretty clunky and slow loading pages.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

Is anyone aware of a nice iPhone interface to the sky+ remote record service here in the UK?

I can just about set up a remote record through the standard web site but it's pretty clunky and slow loading pages.

I would love this aswell, sending a text is easier than their website but still not great. A proper interface would be amazing!
OMG - thank you so much! I had pretty much given it up as a lost cause that Sky would release an iPhone version of their Remote Record app, but having read your post I immediately hopped onto the app store and grabbed yours, hoping that it would give at least a small degree of recording functionality. I have to say that I am well impressed so far though - the interface is very slick and searching through the listings is lightning fast! Setting up the Remote Record was also very easy and it claimed to set up a recording on the first try. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until later to confirm that it has set it up and recorded correctly, but assuming it has then you can expect a 5 star review very soon. :)
Anyone wanna give me some advice on setting up the remote record on the SKY site, i just keep being told im not registered.

Just a note this isnt any problem with the APP its that i cannot set the sky account up
I remember having a bit of difficulty myself with that when I was setting mine up months ago. As I recall the problem I had was that the username I was using on the Sky site hadn't been set up as a master account or something like that. I ended up calling up the website tech support who to be fair were very helpful and explained what I needed to do (I'm afraid I can't remember the steps myself though).
I remember having a bit of difficulty myself with that when I was setting mine up months ago. As I recall the problem I had was that the username I was using on the Sky site hadn't been set up as a master account or something like that. I ended up calling up the website tech support who to be fair were very helpful and explained what I needed to do (I'm afraid I can't remember the steps myself though).

Just spent 35 minutes on the phone to their support with no joy, this is so annoying!! the APP looks like it will work soooo well and i cant use it!!
Unfortunately, the best advice I can give is pretty much the same as this webpage:

Create a new My Sky account at

Then when it asks for bank details and the like, choose to provide your viewing card number.

This is the only way I've had any success. Unfortunately Sky don't make it easy.

If you're still having problems hop over to and I'll keep trying to help.
I'm getting the not registered error aswell. Shame because I've been waiting for an app like this for ages! I'll keep trying and will post if I get it to work! I think it's definitely on Sky's end rather than the app though because I can't send a recording request from tv guide either, I get the same error even though I've done everything it says to activate it! :(

EDIT: Got it to work! What I did was go into Sky Active (on the sky box) > Sky Products > Remote Record, and changed my mobile number to a different one. No idea whatsoever why that worked, but now it's sending recordings fine! Hope it works for you to!

Will be leaving you a 5* review :d can't wait to see what updates you have planned :D
Well I can confirm that the program I set to record earlier was happily sitting in my planner when I got home so this is a massive thumbs up from me. Really looking forward to seeing what updates you have in store.

One thing that I think would be useful is a grid view with channels down the screen and times along the top that you could scroll across in both directions - just so you don't have to look at each channel individually to see what's on.
No Remote Record option in Sky Active

When I go in to Sky Active via my Set-top Box, and select Sky Products, I do not see an option for Remote Record.

Press the 'Interactive' button on your remote >> 1. Sky Active >> Sky Products >> ??

Can others confirm that this option is there?

The Sky website says that first you have to have a 'My Sky' account (which I have).

I've downloaded and installed the 'TV Plus' iPhone app. I just want to get it to work now.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks.
Found 'Remote Record' option

Ok, I found the 'Remote Record' option in the end. Sky don't make it easy to find!!

I found it here ...

Press the 'Interactive' button on your Sky+ remote >> 1. Sky Active >> Sky Products >> All Products >> Sky+ >> Remote Record (yellow button on your remote control)
sky+ app

can anyone please help ive done all the registering bit to set up a remote record account and have the sky+ app on my iphone but when i go on to the app and try to record a program i press the record buttom on screen but get WARNING ACCOUNT NOT SETUP FOR REMOTE RECORDING ive tried everything i think but keep getting this warning whenever i try to record anything can anyone help?
can anyone please help ive done all the registering bit to set up a remote record account and have the sky+ app on my iphone but when i go on to the app and try to record a program i press the record buttom on screen but get WARNING ACCOUNT NOT SETUP FOR REMOTE RECORDING ive tried everything i think but keep getting this warning whenever i try to record anything can anyone help?

Have you gone on Sky active and paired your user and mobile number to your box?
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